[OSGeo-Announce] PROJ 7.2.1 & PROJ-data 1.4

Victoria Rautenbach victoria.rautenbach at gmail.com
Fri Jan 1 22:11:25 PST 2021

*News item by Kristian Evers*

Published at https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/proj-7-2-1-proj-data-1-4/

On behalf of the PROJ development team I am happy to announce the
release of PROJ 7.2.1 and PROJ-data 1.4.

The PROJ release includes updates to the database and a number of bug fixes.
See the detailed release notes below.

The PROJ-data package adds two new grid files (au_ga_AGQG_20191107.tif
and eu_nkg_nkgrf2017vel.tif) that are referenced in the database updates.

Get the packages here:





7.2.1 Release Notes


 o Add metadata with the version number of the database layout (#2474)

 o Split coordinateoperation.cpp and test_operation.cpp in several parts

 o Update to EPSG v10.008 (#2490)

 o Added the NKG 2008 and 2020 transformations in proj.db (#2495)

 Bug fixes

 o Set CURL_ENABLED definition on projinfo build (#2405)

 o createBoundCRSToWGS84IfPossible(): make it return same result with a CRS
   built from EPSG code or WKT1 (#2412)

 o WKT2 parsing: several fixes related to map projection parameter units

 o createOperation(): make it work properly when one of the CRS is a
BoundCRS of
   a DerivedGeographicCRS (+proj=ob_tran +o_proj=lonlat +towgs84=....)

 o WKT parsing: fix ingestion of WKT with a Geocentric CRS as the base of
   projected CRS (#2443)

   make it work when comparing easting,northing,up and northing,easting,up

 o createOperation(): add a ballpark vertical transformation when dealing
   with GEOIDMODEL[] (#2449)

 o Use same arguments to printf format string for both radians and degrees
   output by cct (#2453)

 o PRIMEM WKT handling: fixes on import for 'sexagesimal DMS' or from
   when GEOGCS UNIT != Degree; morph to ESRI the PRIMEM name on export

 o createObjectsFromName(): in exact match, make looking for 'ETRS89 / UTM
zone 32N'
   return only the exact match (#2462)

 o Inverse tmerc spherical: fix wrong sign of latitude when lat_0 is used

 o Add option to allow export of Geographic/Projected 3D CRS in WKT1_GDAL

 o Fix building proj.db with SQLite built with -DSQLITE_DQS=0 (#2480)

 o Include JSON Schema files in CMake builds (#2485)

 o createOperations(): fix inconsistent chaining exception when
transforming from BoundCRS of projected CRS based on NTF Paris to BoundCRS
of geog CRS NTF Paris (#2486)
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