[OSGeo-Announce] pgRouting version 3.1.3 and version 3.0.5 release

Victoria Rautenbach victoria.rautenbach at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 02:14:37 PST 2021

*News item by Ashish Kumar and the pgRouting Team*

Published at https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/pgrouting-version-3-1-3-and-version-3-0-5-release/

Hello pgRouting community,

The pgRouting Team is pleased to announce the release of pgRouting version
3.1.3 and 3.0.5.

The latest release is available at [1]
The fixes were backported to version 3.0.5 [2]

*Note to packagers*

The license changed

>From GPL-2.0 to GPL-2.0-or-later

*The build changed*

*Cleaned the build*

We made some changes to the CMakeLists to actually use cmake 3.2 and stop
using the copies of some Find files we had stored

*About Boost*

Because of our main dependency Boost
The minimum version of Boost published on the README is: 1.53 but it was
not honored, We are honoring it now with a few caveats

Compiling with 1.53 will not have a usable pgr_alphaShape but it will have
See #1850 [3] for details.

In order to have a working pgr_alphaShape, at least Boost version 1.54 is
needed with a work around where we have copied the least amount of boost
files needed to make it work.

In the future, starting from the 3.2.0 release of pgRouting (not scheduled
yet) the minimum boost version will be 1.56 which removes the workaround,
We remove the boost files

Also the boost geometry requires a minimal standard of c++14 starting from
Boost version 1.75
We prefer to compile our code with C++11, but the minimal requirement from
boost is c++03

if the boost version >= "1.75.0"
   Use c++14 standard
    Set to use c++11 if the compiler supports it
    else Set to use c++0x if the compiler supports it
    else Use the compiler as is. For example on MSVC

pgRouting's code will be using c++0x standard which is the minimum standard
for Boost <= 1.74

*Issues fixes*

#1825: Boost versions are not honored
#1849: Boost 1.75.0 geometry "point_xy.hpp" build error on macOS environment
#1861: vrp functions crash server

*To update your database:*

Download the packaged version from your operating system, and use this
command in the database:
ALTER EXTENSION pgrouting UPDATE TO "3.1.3";

[1] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/releases/latest
[2] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/releases/tag/v3.0.5
[3] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/1850

pgRouting Team.
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