[OSGeo-Announce] OSGeo on the INSPIRE CONFERENCE 2021 - Review

Astrid Emde (OSGeo) astrid_emde at osgeo.org
Tue Nov 30 00:26:26 PST 2021


At the end of October 2021 the annual INSPIRE CONFERENCE 2021 took place 
as an online event (25.-29.11.2021).

The INSPIRE Directive aims to create a European Union spatial data 
infrastructure for the purposes of EU environmental policies and 
policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. For 
more information see https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/about-inspire/563

The slogan of the events was “Towards a Common European Green Deal data 
space for environment and sustainability”

OSGeo was invited to join the conference.

Codrina Ilie contributed to the panel regarding the modernising INSPIRE 
within the European Green Deal data space, from a technological and 
organisational perspective. After a brief introduction to OSGeo, she 
emphasized on the long-standing collaborations over the years between 
the INSPIRE and the OSGeo communities. A close look at the solutions 
available for INSPIRE implementations from the very beginning - be it 
discovery, download or viewing services, metadata etc. - one easily 
identifies OSGeo projects. Following in a natural way, OSGeo 
contributions were constantly made to INSPIRE events, as well as INSPIRE 
-related topics turned into full day tracks in regional, as well as 
global FOSS4Gs. Starting with FOSS4G 2019, the European Commission, 
through the INSPIRE community, has become a partner of the global OSGeo 
conference (Slides The role of geospatial developer communities in the 
data sharing ecosystem Codrina Ilie 

Angelos Tzotsos introduced OSGeo and presented an overview of the new 
OGC API Records standard as a member of the OGC Standard Working Group 
(SWG). Then, an overview of OSGeo projects and specifically OSGeo 
catalogue implementations were presented. Slides available: (Slides 
Angelos Tzotsos OGC API Records: Overview and early implementations 

You find the program of INSPIRE CONFERENCE 2021 at:

Recordings of the conference are available at menu item “Recordings”:

Get the JRC Science for Policy Report
The JRC Science for Policy Report was published - "INSPIRE - A Public 
Sector Contribution to the European Green Deal Data Space"

"State of play, lessons learned and a vision for the future of INSPIRE: 
the Public Sector contribution to European Data Spaces and the 
#GreenDeal data spaceAsien-Australien auf dem Globus" 

You can download the PDF https://europa.eu/!8qH67V

In the report our board members (Angelos Tzotsos, Codrina Maria Ilie, 
Astrid Emde & Tom Kralidis) are acknowledged to have provided 
contributions on the role and impact of INSPIRE on OSGeo.

“[...] The Open Source Geospatial community is actively participating in 
the development of Open Standards through partnerships with OGC and 
ISO/TC 211. Specifically in Europe, the INSPIRE Directive has been 
widely supported and implemented using Open Source Software for over a 
decade. INSPIRE has provided OSGeo the opportunity to showcase the 
maturity and effectiveness of implementing open source solutions across 
the EU.[...]“ (see full text on page 37 in the report).

About the Open Source Geospatial Foundation
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(4) 
organization to empower everyone with open source geospatial. The 
software foundation directly supports projects serving as an outreach 
and advocacy organization providing financial, organizational and legal 
support for the open source geospatial community.

OSGeo works with GeoCat, OPENGIS.ch, Gaia3D, Astun Technology and other 
sponsors, along with our partners to foster an open approach to 
software, standards, data and education.

Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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