[OSGeo-Announce] pgRouting version 3.4.1, 3.4.0 and version 3.3.5, 3.3.4 release

Victoria Rautenbach victoria.rautenbach at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 04:22:52 PDT 2022

at https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/pgrouting-version-3-4-1-3-4-0-and-version-3-3-5-3-3-4-release/
*News item by Ashish Kumar*

Hello pgRouting community,

*The pgRouting Team is pleased to announce the release of pgRouting
versions 3.4.1, 3.4.0 and 3.3.5, 3.3.4*

The latest release is available at [1]
The fixes were backported to the previous versions [2]

*To see all issues & pull requests closed by version 3.4.1, see the Git
closed milestone for 3.4.1* [3]

*Issue fixes*

   - #2401: pgRouting 3.4.0 do not build docs when sphinx is too low or
   - #2398: v3.4.0 does not upgrade from 3.3.3

*To see all issues & pull requests closed by version 3.4.0, see the Git
closed milestone for 3.4.0* [4]

*Issue fixes*

   - #1891: pgr_ksp doesn't give all correct shortest path

*New proposed functions*

   - With points
      - pgr_withPointsVia (One Via)
   - Turn Restrictions
      - Via with turn restrictions
         - pgr_trspVia (One Via)
         - pgr_trspVia_withPoints (One Via)
      - pgr_trsp
         - pgr_trsp (One to One)
         - pgr_trsp (One to Many)
         - pgr_trsp (Many to One)
         - pgr_trsp (Many to Many)
         - pgr_trsp (Combinations)
      - pgr_trsp_withPoints
         - pgr_trsp_withPoints (One to One)
         - pgr_trsp_withPoints (One to Many)
         - pgr_trsp_withPoints (Many to One)
         - pgr_trsp_withPoints (Many to Many)
         - pgr_trsp_withPoints (Combinations)
      - Topology
      - pgr_degree
   - Utilities
      - pgr_findCloseEdges (One point)
      - pgr_findCloseEdges (Many points)

*New experimental functions*

   - Ordering
      - pgr_cuthillMckeeOrdering
   - Unclassified
      - pgr_hawickCircuits

*Official functions changes*

   - Flow functions
      - pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(text)
   - Deprecating pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(text,boolean)

*Deprecated functions*

   - Turn Restrictions
      - pgr_trsp(text,integer,integer,boolean,boolean,text)
      - pgr_trsp(text,integer,float8,integer,float8,boolean,boolean,text)
      - pgr_trspViaVertices(text,anyarray,boolean,boolean,text)
      - pgr_trspViaEdges(text,integer[],float[],boolean,boolean,text)

*To update your database:*

Download the packaged version from your operating system, and use this
command in the database:
ALTER EXTENSION pgrouting UPDATE TO "3.4.1";

[1] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/releases/latest
[2] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/releases

pgRouting Team.
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