[AtlanticCanada] Bernie Connors, SNB

Connors, Bernie (SNB) Bernie.Connors at snb.ca
Tue Jun 29 13:35:20 EDT 2010

Hello to all,

I bumped into Tim Astle (Caris) the other day and he mentioned the formation of the Atlantic Canada Chapter of the OSGeo Foundation.  And as I previously said on Twitter "Sounds like a great idea to me".

I work for Service New Brunswick (SNB).  SNB is the lead agency for geomatics in New Brunswick. I have been working with SNB since 2008 helping them build GeoNB - New Brunswick's spatial data infrastructure (www.snb.ca/geonb/<http://www.snb.ca/geonb/>). We are using ESRI technology to build the SDI but that does not rule out the possibility of using FOSS components. GeoNB also aims to provide free geodata.

I am also on the organizing committee for the Geomatics Atlantic 2010 conference (www.geomaticsatlantic.com<http://www.geomaticsatlantic.com>).  Please have a look at the website.  We are hoping to attract a few OSGeo speakers to the conference.  This year's conference will run concurrently with the 7th Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) Symposium<http://www.crhnet.ca/index.php?id=46>.  The ESRI Canada Regional User Conference<http://www.esricanada.com/english/event.asp?key=0A0868F31ACFE7E80396546E14B3E27111FC722604C5EC29DEA0A95D5F1039D0BD308A5ECE250D3DD537B2201C01226C1D99B40C9131A27565E595A37ECE8FC1AE35E616AED05701F177B85907DF3C9F3C570EDB70BCD5ED383D8E5009FDF892BEAA33B66568710D7987AF4655E50EF565221A4AC54E6C08CD6CF28DDB12DF48E0A02C055B403E79620D56CF207866295330EFA8DF795D0E743B3124BE3778FD4DF3E909DDC487E407386C9BE25C97505AA1D92717> will immediately precede our conference and it will be immediately followed by the 50th anniversary celebrations of the UNB Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering program<http://gge.unb.ca/HomePage.php>.

I would like to add my $0.02 to the discussion of our chapter's inaugural meeting.  I think the week of the conference will be a great time to meet.  Hopefully a lot of people can come to Fredericton and attend several events all in the same week and cut down on travel costs.

Best regards,

Bernie Connors, P.Eng
Manager - Spatial Data Infrastructure
Land Information Secretariat
Service New Brunswick
Tel: 506-444-2077 Fax: 506-453-3898
45°56'25.21"N, 66°38'53.65"W
bernie.connors at snb.ca<mailto:bernie.connors at snb.ca>

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