[AtlanticCanada] FOSS4G 2011 WMS Shootout results coming soon?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Sep 27 10:26:43 EDT 2011

On 11-09-19 1:53 PM, Connors, Bernie (SNB) wrote:
> Jeff,
>                  Please send a link to the group when the WMS benchmark
> results are released.

Hi Bernie,

Yes sorry about that - in fact since we had so many teams updating the 
results (even minutes before we went in front of 900 people) we used 
Google Docs this year to manage the presentation...great...but 
afterwords we were unable to export it :)  Long story short, yesterday I 
had to re-create the presentation locally...so finally we do have WMS 
Benchmarking results for everyone to see :)


or stored in SVN:


Thanks go to all of the teams involved, for so many improvements to 
their software through this exercise.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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