[AtlanticCanada] Virtual meeting for OSGeo Atlantic Canada Chapter?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Sep 21 12:31:43 EDT 2011

Hi everyone,

I just arrived a few hours ago from FOSS4G (I was stuck in an airport 
hotel due to mechanical problems)...so  I'll be digging out of email for 
a while (and recharging!)...I'd love to start planning for a chapter 
meeting with you all (virtual sounds fine to me).

Talk soon,


On 11-09-19 2:02 PM, Connors, Bernie (SNB) wrote:
> Since we seem to be having difficulty in selecting a date and location
> for a meeting why don’t we try a virtual meeting?  Does anybody have
> experience with any good, free tools for a virtual online meeting?  If
> we can arrange this I suggest a good topic would be the events of the
> recent FOSS4G conference in Denver.  Personally, I am always interested
> in the results of the WMS benchmarking.
> Everybody: what are your thoughts on this?

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