[Aust-NZ] Re: Bid doc Draft 2

Dr. Markus Lupp lupp at lat-lon.de
Thu Jan 10 20:37:54 EST 2008

Hi all,

the bid document is very convincing and well-made. Congrats to you all.

Some first comments:

General: page numbering is missing (would help in locating remarks)

Executive Summary: A paragraph could be added, that South-East Asian 
Nations, especially Indonesia and Malaysia, have explicit Open Source 
Initiatives and use a number of OSGeo-projects for their SDIs. Sydney 
would be a venue easy to reacht by those countries.
If you like the idea, I could provide this paragraph.
Executive Summary (on page 4): A stay in Sydney costs significantly less 
than an average stay *IN* Washington, London, Seoul or Singapore.
Letters of support: depending on the time frame, lat/lon could provide a 
letter of support
1.1:  This paragraph (and the rest of the document sometimes also) lacks 
information about NZ (althoug the proposal is submitted by Aus/NZ).
1.6: Add "lat/lon" to list of potential sponsors



Cameron Shorter schrieb:
> Cara,
> Comments so far. I'll have half an hour to look at the exec summary
> around midday. So please send any updates that have been made there if
> you have any.
> --
> TBD Cameron: Reference "Australian government has positive Open Source
> policy guidelines"
> --
> 1.3 Note that the proposed date has been booked in with UNSW.
> --
> TBD: Cameron to Determine number of delegates at SSC. I've left a
> message with Ihttp://icms.com.au (03) 9682-0244
> --
> (section 1.4 & 1.5 Waugh Partners) Number of Linux Australia delegates = 820.
> --
> Move section "Government Agencies" to the bottom of 1.5. These people
> have been referenced twice so reword as:
> Government Agencies:
> Half our committee members work in government agencies and we expect
> this number will increase as the conference gets closer. These members
> are key to evanualising OSGeo and attracting delegates from a major
> OSGeo user base.
> 1.6 Potential Sponsors:
> Under Google Earth add:
> "Google Earth has a major development center in Sydney and have
> offered speakers for the event."
> --
> 1.6 Potential Sponsors:
> Replace "Linux" with "General Open Source sponsors attracted by Linux Autralia".
> --
> 1.6 Expand CSIRO accronym
> --
> 1.6 Add sponsors:
> Autodesk
> Australian Cooprative Research Center for Spatial Information (CRCSI)
> 2.1 UNSW facilities
> Map: If you get time, circle the city, airport, and Coogee beach on
> the map to highlight the closeness of UNSW to key attractions
> delegates will likely attend.
> --
> 2.4 Accommodation
> The UNSW on campus accommodation is not listed. Will it be available?
> On Jan 11, 2008 6:44 AM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Virginia Loyola wrote:
>>> Hi Cameron
>>> I forgot to mention in my email that I would tidy up the Exec Summary
>>> but if you wanted to amend some paragraphs, please do so. I will be at
>>> a funeral tomorrow morning so won't be in until later in the day.
>>> Please contact Cara on 9332 5220 if you need anything as she has
>>> worked on the document as well.
>>> Thanks
>>> Virginia
>> --
>> Cameron Shorter
>> Geospatial Systems Architect
>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>> Commercial Support for Geospatial Open Source Solutions
>> http://www.lisasoft.com/LISAsoft/SupportedProducts.html
>> Hi Cameron
>> This bounced back again, could you please circulate.
>> Thanks
>> Virginia
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Virginia Loyola
>> Sent: Thursday, 10 January 2008 6:20 PM
>> To: Cameron Shorter; Aust-NZ OSGeo
>> Subject: Bid doc Draft 2
>> Hi everyone
>> Please see attached draft 2 and the budget. I look forward to your
>> thoughts and any other changes. I will be in the office on Friday from
>> 2pm.
>> Kind regards
>> Virginia

Dr. Markus Lupp
l a t / l o n  GmbH
phone +62 (0)81 339 431666

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