[Aust-NZ] Re: Strategic Investment in Geonetwork Open Source(draft paper)

Mark Leslie mrk.leslie at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 03:27:26 EDT 2008

I've added the document (latest version I could find) to the SEE Grid 
wiki, at 

Mark Leslie
Geospatial Software Architect

Ph: +61 2 8570 5000 Fax: +61 2 8570 5099 Mob: +61 
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf 19-21 Pirrama Rd Pyrmont NSW 2009

LISAsoft is part of the A2end Group of Companies

Robert.Woodcock at csiro.au wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> You're welcome to use the SEE Grid wiki if you would like. The NCRIS
> Spatial Information Services Stack will be hosted here (it already is I
> just need to do some reorganisation so that becomes obvious - could do
> with a self-organising wiki!).
> There is GeoNetwork section at this location
> https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/twiki/bin/view/Infosrvices/GeoNetworkDevelo
> pment
> It's currently in template form pending the SISS Project Committee
> approving the SISS Project plan, which should happen today. You may edit
> the page and add a topic for your document if you wish and anyone else
> wishing to contribute or access any other part of the SEE Grid twiki is
> welcome to contact cg-admin at csiro.au to request a SEE Grid twiki
> account.
> There is a lot more than just GeoNetwork on this site, there is also
> Geoserver work from SISS, a guide on developing GML Application Schemas,
> the GeosciML standard and its testbeds, high performance computing using
> Grid standards and so forth.
> Regards,
> Rob
> Dr Robert Woodcock
> CSIRO Exploration & Mining ,
> ARRC, 26 Dick Perry Ave, 
> Kensington, WA 6151 Australia
> Phone +61 8 6436 8780 Fax +61 8 6436 8586
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Shorter [mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 1 July 2008 7:13 AM
> To: Woodcock, Robert (E&M, Kensington)
> Cc: Aust-NZ at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Aust-NZ] Re: Strategic Investment in Geonetwork Open
> Source(draft paper)
> Thank you Rob,
> Your comments about coordinating sponsors and managing priorities are 
> very valuable. They provide a good basis for discussion amongst 
> stakeholders (which I'm hoping Ben Searle will be organising soon).
> I plan to action your comments, then migrate the document to a wiki to 
> allow collaborative editing in a couple of weeks.
> Robert.Woodcock at csiro.au wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I've a few comments on the Strategic Investment in Geonetwork Open 
>> Source(draft paper) document:
>>     * Much of the document is an outline of what constitutes
>>       appropriate software project management. In that regard it is a
>>       useful guide when assessing investments, activities and teams
>>       for the uninitiated
>>     * GeoNetwork stakeholders list is useful in understanding some of
>>       the interactions occurring. Interestingly though it does not
>>       mention the GeoNetwork Project Steering Committee? (There is
>>       also an error in the CSIRO section, the words for the Business
>>       Drivers are Rob Woodcock's (mine) not Rob Atkinson's - just
>>       don't want Rob A to be blamed!)
>>     * The Community Liaison Officer* *would significantly assist
>>       development contributions (from any participant) in better
>>       informing stakeholders and in prioritising work (informed
>>       decision making) across those organisations that choose to
>>       participate through this coordination process - noting of course
>>       that this coordination process is not the GeoNetwork one (that
>>       isn't necessarily a bad thing as the objective is to better
>>       coordinate ANZLIC investments, not take over GeoNetwork)
>>     * It is entirely possible, potentially useful, for ANZLIC sponsors
>>       to pool their resources and form a critical mass development
>>       team with appropriate project management in order to further
>>       their goals with GeoNetwork. - this may in fact be all that the
>>       document is describing but it isn't clear to me that is the
>>       case, as my next point describes, and if it is then how do other
>>       projects, like NCIRS SISS, interact given they can directly
>>       assist the ANZLIC objectives if properly informed?
>>     * I'm concerned that the document confuses the multiple community
>>       objectives that make up "GeoNetwork" development, bundling them
>>       into a single geonetwork activity. I believe it is important
>>       that this be understood more clearly as it impacts stakeholder
>>       expectations - for example, expecting a production grade outcome
>>       from a project contribution that, whilst adding the desired
>>       feature, is only resourced and intended to add a demonstration
>>       feature. More over, I'm concerned that this confusion leads to a
>>       proposition that "developers can be pooled together under a
>>       common project and project manager but still answerable to their
>>       respective organisations". Whilst that may be possible under a
>>       secondment style arrangement for resources the ANZLIC sponsors
>>       control, that isn't the type of situation that exists in many
>>       useful cases. Groups like BlueNet previously and NCRIS SISS
>>       which are funded to deliver to their stakeholders have project
>>       management and contractual obligations - they can't second staff
>>       to nor be answerable to an Aust/NZ steering committee. Indeed, I
>>       can't see those resources being leveraged in a useful form if an
>>       external Project Manager attempts to manage those projects, it
>>       may cause conflict. These project types, where willing, can
>>       respond to a clear call for features or bug fixes etc and/or
>>       allow their contributions to be leveraged elsewhere (where their
>>       contractual terms permit and the communication of those
>>       development priorities are clear). Indeed, many open source
>>       project operate effectively on this principle.
>> Achieving critical development mass, particularly around quality 
>> issues and production releases, has been one of the principle 
>> objectives of the NCIRS SISS project setup. It is unusual in that 
>> regard because it isn't focussed on building features for its 
>> stakeholders but on tackling a "gap" in the current community 
>> investments in the spatial services stack that is hampering deployment
>> efforts by multiple organisations (including some ANZLIC ones) that 
>> NCRIS would like to see happen. The NCRIS SISS project stakeholders 
>> are in fact interested in responding to a clear call for features and 
>> bug fixes!
>> The other main objective has been to work towards a "customer" 
>> engagement model which provides a more informed decision making 
>> process - the Community Liaison role suggested is one such approach, 
>> especially when matched with an equivalent developer liaison role so 
>> the "pair" can inform both up and down the communications pipe. Ben 
>> Searle is on the NCRIS SISS Project Committee to assist in this 
>> regards, though Ben is still keen to see this model improved further.
>> Regards,
>> Rob
>> Project Director - Auscope Grid
>> SISS - Project Manager
>> Dr Robert Woodcock
>> CSIRO Exploration & Mining ,
>> ARRC, 26 Dick Perry Ave,
>> Kensington, WA 6151 Australia
>> Phone +61 8 6436 8780 Fax +61 8 6436 8586
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* aust-nz-bounces at lists.osgeo.org 
>> [mailto:aust-nz-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of 
>> *Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au
>> *Sent:* Thursday, 26 June 2008 1:57 PM
>> *To:* Aust-NZ OSGeo
>> *Subject:* Re: [Aust-NZ] Re: Strategic Investment in Geonetwork Open 
>> Source(draft paper)
>> IMO:
>> Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote on 26/06/2008 
>> 09:45:02 AM:
>>>> Perhaps we could put this into a wiki to allow other members of
> the
>>>> community to help develop it further.
>>> Yes, good idea. I planned originally to use a wiki but migrated to
> word
>>> as I find it easier to write in and collate reviews. Once the
> document
>>> has stablized and when I next have a spare few hours I'll move it
> across
>>> (in a week or 2).
>> OK.
>> I intend making some comments / additions. I'll use track changes 
>> within Word and post my version of the document back to the 
>> OSGeo-AustNZ list so that we have an audit trail and archive.
>> Cheers.
>> Bruce Bannerman
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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