[Aust-NZ] Qld/Brisbane Chapter of OsGeo ?

Shaun Kolomeitz shaun.kolomeitz at derm.qld.gov.au
Thu Nov 12 18:16:52 EST 2009

Sorry if this has been raised before, if so can someone please point me
at the relevant info/contact person.

A couple of people I know (who are reasonably well versed with FOSS4G,
and very keen to boot) are interested in either organising or attending
a Queensland or Brisbane Chapter of OzGeo.

If there is a group already in existence we'd love to join, if not I'd
like to start coordinating one if others are interested.

Many thanks,

Shaun Kolomeitz
Principal Project Officer
Business and Asset Services
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service
Department of Environment and Resource Management Ph 3330 5179 

As of 26 March 2009 the Department of Natural Resources and Water/Environmental Protection Agency integrated to form the Department of Environment and Resource Management 

Think B4U Print
1 ream of paper = 6% of a tree and 5.4kg CO2 in the atmosphere
3 sheets of A4 paper = 1 litre of water

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