[Aust-NZ] Re: [Foss4g2009] Foss4g presentation share authorization

Mark Leslie mark.leslie at lisasoft.com
Wed Oct 28 19:22:18 EDT 2009

Unfortunately, the presentations as a whole were not accepted under an 
explicit license AFAIK, so we actually need an opt-in approach to cover 
our collective ... selves.  I can't imagine that failure to opt-out 
would be legally meaningful.  Any Australian lawyers care to comment?


Venka wrote:
> Hi All,
> Instead of have nearly 150 speakers confirming
> availability of their presentation under cc-by-sa-2.5
> it would be better to ask if there are any
> who would not agree to share.
> Guess, that would lead to less e-mail traffic.
> I had 3 oral and 1 poster presentations
> at FOSS4G-2009 and would like to confirm that
> all of them can be made available under
> cc-by-sa-2.5
> Cheers!
> Venka (Venkatesh Raghavan)
> P.S. CC this e-mail to co-authors too
> Ricardo Pinho wrote:
>> I, Ricardo Pinho confirm that my presentation titled "GISVM, the
>> ultimate tool for teaching FOSS4G", and presented
>> during the FOSS4G 2009 is available to all under the terms of the
>> Creative Commmons Attribution-Share Alike license:
>> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/
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