[Aust-NZ] Is there any interest in hosting a future FOSS4G? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Bruce Bannerman B.Bannerman at bom.gov.au
Mon Sep 21 20:46:02 PDT 2015


I received the following email from the Cairns Convention Centre.

Before I respond, is there any interest within the AustNZ community for hosting another FOSS4G in Australia or New Zealand?


From: Cherie Kitto
Date: Tuesday, 22 September 2015 11:47
To: Bruce Bannerman
Subject: Open Source Geospatial Foundation - OSGeo

Dear Mr Bannerman

We contacting you with regards to your involvement with the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. We hope you can assist with our queries.

Our information is the OSGeo hold the annual Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial or FOSS4G meeting most recently in Seoul, Korea last week. It was last held in Australia in Sydney in 2009. We understand that 2016 will be held in Bonn, Germany.

We would like to enquire if there is any interest amongst your colleagues in Australia to host the FOSS4G Conference in the future? If so, would you consider working with the City of Cairns and the Cairns Convention Centre to lodge a bid? According to the OSGeo website anyone wishing to host the 2017 Conference needed to submit a Letter of Intent by 29 July this year so unless this has already occurred can we assume the first opportunity to host in Australia would be 2018?

Mr Bannerman, thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Kind regards,

Cherie Kitto l  Research Coordinator l  Cairns Convention Centre

07 4042 4200 (617)  l  ckitto at cairnsconvention.com.au<mailto:ckitto at cairnsconvention.com.au>  l  www.cairnsconvention.com.au<http://www.cairnsconvention.com.au/>


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