[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Fwd: Volunteer(s) Sought to Document and Categorize Maps for Humanitarian Disaster Response

Estela Llorente López estela.llorente a gmail.com
div mar 4 14:30:40 PST 2016

Bona nit,
Per si algú hi vol participar.
---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: "GISCorps" <info at giscorps.org>
Fecha: 4/3/2016 21:17
Asunto: Volunteer(s) Sought to Document and Categorize Maps for
Humanitarian Disaster Response
Para: <estela.llorente at gmail.com>

Assistance from GISCorps is being requested in relation to the deployment
of a prototype system for improving how crisis maps are accessed by key
decision makers during emergency response.  This is the amalgamation of
outputs from a number of projects, including the Map Review being done by a
collaboration including UNOSAT and the University of Tilburg, and the
Decision Makers and Coordinated Data Scramble Communities Of Interest (COI)
of the Digital Humanitarian Network (DHN).

The system uses dashboard filters based on the key questions identified by
field-based decision makers, and the key data needs identified by the
Assessment Capacities Project prioritized by the Focused task force on
information analysis in the first 72 hrs

HumanitarianResponse.info has agreed to test the prototype system for the
Fiji maps by replacing the current filter with a dashboard.

A demo has already been developed, and we plan to work with experienced
designers of dashboards to improve the look a usability.

The request for GISCorps involves documenting map metadata for the current
Fiji response, so that it can be ingested by the dashboard.  This includes
documenting map name, date, URL, levels of administrative units shown,
identification of features shown, and what key humanitarian and disaster
relief issues are addressed using the map.

A draft organizational scheme is in place, but one or two volunteers are
needed to review the data and identify their characteristics using the
schema. This is a pilot project and may undergo some revision as it
progresses and experience is attained in using the schema. The volunteer(s)
will provide feedback about the methodology being developed. Maps related
to the recent Tropical Cyclone Winston that hit Fiji will be the focus of
this initial pilot project.

•       Access to the Internet;
•       Experience with and access to Excel or Google spreadsheet software;
•       Understanding of cartographic principles and symbolization and
excellent map reading skills;
•       Understanding of how maps are used in humanitarian response and
decision making;
•       Excellent decision-making, verbal, and written skills
•       Dashboard design skills are not necessary, but anyone with these
skills will be welcome to help with further development of the dashboards

Duration: volunteer shall commit to ~5 hours per week for approximately two
weeks or until the methodology is fully tested and evaluated.

Software: volunteers will use an online version of Excel or google
spreadsheets (whichever is preferred)

Type of mission: this mission does NOT require traveling and is conducted
remotely. The volunteer(s) will be using their own hardware and will be
working closely with the Map Review team via emails, Skype, etc.

If you are interested and available, please send an email along with your
resume to: recruit at giscorps.org by midnight March 10th 2016.


GISCorps Recruitment Team
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