[Belgium] Geo Dev Evening

Maelle Vercauteren mavercau at ulb.ac.be
Wed Dec 9 22:36:33 PST 2015


We also planed to do the 'cartopartie' in January (mapping facilities for
homeless people) ! I think it is not a good idea to plan this 2 events the
same month… what do you think ?

As FOSSDEM is January 30&31 and State of the Map September 23-25, it is
more logical to move the 'cartopartie'.

But it's important that we don't lose the positive energy by changing the

By the way, to place an activity at the ULB, we need to know what kind of
room would be needed (capacity, etc ...) and with what time-schedule… so
first how many people do you attend ?

For the beers I'm really not the specialisist… but my suggestion is to
'work' with brewery "En Stoemelings"(
https://enstoemelings.myshopify.com/#btn_target) ?

They just establish themselves in Brussels and can offer us their "Curious
Neus" (triple, well balanced, and 7.5% vol. Alc. But only packaged in 75
cl) to 5 euros (on sale at 7 euros) if purchase of 10 bottles. But "En
Stoemelings" does not carry out deliveries yet. It has therefore to be
supplied in their brewery (Rue du Miroir 1, 1000 Bruxelles)....


2015-12-09 15:34 GMT+01:00 Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>:

> On 2015-12-09 10:13 AM, Dirk Frigne wrote:
>> Marc,
>> The date is 2016! (see name of the wiki page).
>> I suggest ou move the page to the right one...
>> Dirk
> moved: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo-BE-geo-dev-evening-16_01_29
> -jeff
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