[Belgium] Foss4g website

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Jul 10 06:29:16 PDT 2015

On 2015-07-10 13:37, KRUWIALIS Gael wrote:
> Hello again,
> Please find here: http://checksum.be/foss4g , the release 1 of our
> future website.
> Please consider the English version; we need your feedback before
> making the translation.
> From this Sunday we will make the last corrections and translation.
> Johan can you give the useful information for the hosting to Marcos
> and also create one mail address for the contact form.
> Hope you like it !

Really nice, thanks for the fast job, guys !

Could you maybe take off my email address from the contacts page ?

Some first rapid ideas about things that should probably change:

- I think it would be great if we had a specific contact channel for 
sponsors, not only the main info contact. The best would be to have a 
contact person with name and contact info. Marc, ISTR that you 
volunteered for that, or ?

- I think that the call for papers should be sharpened a bit, with some 
information about formats (time, etc) and maybe some clearer guidance 
about what we are looking for. Maybe an intro paragraph that is more 
precise than just "We are looking for all kinds of participation.". 
Also, we should watch out for language: we do not really want people to 
submit papers, but rather presentations, or ?

Just a fast reaction after glancing over the web site.


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