[Belgium] Foss4g website

Marcos Peebles marcos.peebles at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 02:31:04 PDT 2015

Hi guys, this can go live now I think :)

The credits + info/venue page have been quickly adapted as well.

I'm in Germany till Saturday, will have some wifi but Gael has all he needs
to adapt/amend. Watch your English though my friend ;)


2015-07-15 9:37 GMT+02:00 Marcos Peebles <marcos.peebles at gmail.com>:

> Yups Moritz,
> well spotted :)
> I need to put the js in front of css (and not on bottom of the page) in
> order to avoir that, doing now :)
> I'm also correcting some spelling/grammar on the registration page.
> Cheers
> 2015-07-15 8:41 GMT+02:00 Moritz Lennert <mlennert at club.worldonline.be>:
>> On 15/07/15 07:12, KRUWIALIS Gael wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> The release 2 is online in English : www.foss4g.be
>>> Feedback is welcome
>> Thanks a lot guys, it looks really nice to me !
>> Just one remark: I get this weird slow page composition effect when
>> accessing both of the call pages. As it is difficult to explain, here's a
>> video;
>> http://tomahawk.ulb.ac.be/moritz/foss4g_be_pagecomposition.ogv
>> This is using Chromium on Debian testing.
>> Have a nice day,
>> Moritz
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