[Belgium] State of the map in Brussels in 2016!

Ben Abelshausen ben.abelshausen at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 00:44:41 PDT 2015

Hi all,

Most of you will already know: State of the map is coming to Belgium next


We, OpenStreetMap Belgium, are a small group. We will need help from others
in the geo-space or open-space to help with the conference. We need help

- The core group of organizers, please email me asap if you want to be
- Searching for sponsoring.
- Volunteers when the conference is happening.
- Search for a venue.

The last point is the most important one: I was in NYC three weeks ago at
SOTM-US and that was at the UN-headquarters (!). I think we cannot stay
behind and we should try and search for a venue that is just as awesome in
Brussels. We have been thinking about the European Parlement, buildings of

Please talk to your entire network if you think you can help us with the
venue. Feel free to contact me directly for more information.

... and spread the word among all friends, mappers, coders, clients,


OpenStreetMap Belgium Working Group
Open Knowledge Belgium
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