[Belgium] final draft of statutes of our asbl/vzw
Moritz Lennert
moritz.lennert at ulb.ac.be
Mon Oct 5 07:19:22 PDT 2015
Here's the very final version taken into account your different remarks.
I've already printed two copies for signature.
On 29/09/15 18:23, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> Dear all,
> Please find attached the final draft of the statutes of our asbl/vzw.
> The only thing missing is some personal information of some members.
> I've contacted everyone concerned by private mail.
> Please read through this final draft and let me know if you find any
> last minute bugs.
> I've noticed that finally we have 8 founding members of which 7 signed
> up to constitute the board ! So, I will be the only charter member with
> the role to control the board. ;-) We'll quickly need more charter members.
> Our meeting on October 5 will be the first general assembly of the
> association and we will approve and sign the statutes there. Will
> everyone be present ?
> For the registration of the association, I will also need the national
> number of each of the administrators. Please send it to me by private mail.
> Almost there...
> Moritz
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