[Belgium] Fwd: Fwd: Mapathon
Moritz Lennert
mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Jan 20 09:44:52 PST 2016
Here's the follow-up on the 'missing maps' event that the different
Belgian universities want to organise all on the same day in order to
give visibility also to the national committee on cartography.
They would certainly appreciate help from OSGeo and OSM-Belgium.
Are any of you interested in helping and/or being the liaison person for
this between OSGeo and them ?
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Fwd: Mapathon
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 17:18:47 +0100
From: Eléonore Wolff <ewolff at ulb.ac.be>
To: Moritz Lennert <mlennert at ulb.ac.be>
peux-tu te charger de les contacter ou me donner le contact stp ?
> Début du message réexpédié :
> *De: *"Frank Canters" <fcanters at vub.ac.be <mailto:fcanters at vub.ac.be>>
> *Date: *19 janvier 2016 11:51:40 UTC+1
> *À: *"'Sophie Vanwambeke'" <sophie.vanwambeke at uclouvain.be
> <mailto:sophie.vanwambeke at uclouvain.be>>, 'Eléonore Wolff'
> <ewolff at ulb.ac.be <mailto:ewolff at ulb.ac.be>>, <Kristien.Ooms at UGent.be
> <mailto:Kristien.Ooms at ugent.be>>
> *Objet: **RE: Mapathon*
> Dear Sophie (and Eléonore and Kristien),
> Thank you for your swift reply. I agree with you, Sophie, that we
> should minimize the effort for the mapathon event, yet to really have
> an impact we should organize it nationally, at different locations at
> the same time. I am prepared to look for a possibility to book one or
> two computer rooms at VUB and coordinate the part of the event taking
> place on our campus. I suppose Kristien will also be able to do a
> similar thing at UGent and Eléonore already offered to participate
> with ULB. That way we would already have 4 locations, one in Flanders,
> two in Brussels and one in Wallonia. If Yves Cornet from Liege joins
> and Anton Van Rompaey from KULeuven we have 6 locations, 2 in
> Flanders, 2 in Brussels, 2 in Wallonia. That would be ideal I guess.
> Concerning the date: I agree with Eléonore that it would be best to
> organize it on a Saturday. This has the advantage that it becomes
> feasible to book computer rooms at the university. In our university,
> all rooms are nearly fully booked the entire time during the week, so
> no possibility to book two rooms for a full day event. Sophie, your
> suggestion of the week of March 14^th would be ok for me. We have an
> infoday on Saturday 19^th of March at VUB, so I could try to give the
> event more publicity that way, also towards secondary school students
> who would like to participate. However, mid-March is real soon. So if
> we want to organize an event at different locations on that day we
> would need to get people mobilized soon. As an alternative, as
> Eléonore suggests, 16^th of April would also be ok for me, but 23th of
> April not, because our 1^st and 2^nd Bachelor students are on
> excursion for a whole week starting on that Saturday.
> Sophie, since you launched the idea, would you be prepared to take the
> lead in the overall coordination of the event (contact with partners
> at each university and asking if Yves and Anton from ULg/KULeuven
> would also like to join, agreement on date and common protocol for
> organizing the event locally at each site, overall communication strategy)
> Eléonore, you suggested to involve OSGEO. Since you have contacts with
> them, maybe you can explore what would be the best way to involve them
> in a nationwide event taking place at 4 or 6 university locations, and
> contact them once we have fixed a date to see how we can benefit from
> their involvement?
> Just let me know your ideas. As I told you I am willing to organize
> the event locally at VUB, but would prefer if other people of our
> group take the lead in overall coordination for this event. Kristien
> and I spent a lot of time last year (and especially during the fall)
> on the BP children drawing competition and exhibition, so it would be
> nice if others take the lead for this event ;-)
> Best,
> Frank
> *From:*Sophie Vanwambeke [mailto:sophie.vanwambeke at uclouvain.be]
> *Sent:*dinsdag 19 januari 2016 10:35
> *To:*Frank Canters <fcanters at vub.ac.be <mailto:fcanters at vub.ac.be>>
> *Subject:*RE: Mapathon
> Dear Frank,
> Thank you for your email - many questions to solve!
> I have been chair of the school of geography since september and it
> has been very time consuming, so some of my answers may be influenced
> by the wish to be as time efficient as possible. Feel free to
> challenge them, but increase in the work may require extra help :/
> Thanks for understanding.
> Replies below in your text.
> There are many things that need to be decided:
> 1.Do we organize the event in one place, or simultaneously at
> different locations? (the latter is more complex, but may increase the
> impact of the event)
> I don't feel I can decide unilateraly on this: if it is organised in
> multiple places (which may have the largest overall "impact") it
> requires in each organising place a person willing to do the work
> (it's not that much, really, if done locally). The idea of doing it in
> one central place is nice but I just fear people would not travel. How
> to make it attractive?
> 2.Do we organize it ourselves or (as Eléonore suggests) in
> collaboration with OSGEO Belgium (see proposal of Eléonore)
> I don't have strong opinions on this, and am not familiar with that
> community.
> 3.What would be the most suitable date?
> In French-speaking community we have a "pintemps des sciences" on the
> week of 14th of MArch. Not sure to what extent we can still amend that
> programme, but it may be feasible provided it does not require booking
> from the participants? but it may be a good option for visibility
> (this is held I think on all uni campuses). Would that be a good time
> for the flemish community? It needs to be national, really.
> 4.How do we organize ourselves for preparing this event and what needs
> to be done in the preparatory phase?
> Not much really; when we've done it we have simply: booked a computer
> room, printed a few instruction sheets (available from missingmap
> project), printed posters and made sure one of us was there at all
> time during the session. And bought biscuits. That was itessentially.
> 5.How do we announce the event and communicate about it?
> I guess it will depend on who we target and when we organise it? When
> done locally we have used: our facebook page and posters in our corridors.
> Best,
> Frank
> *From:*Eléonore Wolff [mailto:ewolff at ulb.ac.be]
> *Sent:*donderdag 7 januari 2016 19:20
> *To:*Kristien Ooms <kristien.ooms at ugent.be
> <mailto:kristien.ooms at ugent.be>>
> *Cc:*Frank Canters <fcanters at vub.ac.be <mailto:fcanters at vub.ac.be>>;
> Frédérique SPITAELS <Frederique.Spitaels at ngi.be
> <mailto:Frederique.Spitaels at ngi.be>>; Jo Van Valckenborgh
> <Jo.VanValckenborgh at agiv.be <mailto:Jo.VanValckenborgh at agiv.be>>;
> Anton Van Rompaey <Anton.VanRompaey at ees.kuleuven.be
> <mailto:Anton.VanRompaey at ees.kuleuven.be>>;eleonore.wolff at ulb.ac.be
> <mailto:eleonore.wolff at ulb.ac.be>; Jean Claude Jasselette
> <jeanclaude.jasselette at spw.wallonie.be
> <mailto:jeanclaude.jasselette at spw.wallonie.be>>; Jean Paul Donnay
> <JP.Donnay at ulg.ac.be <mailto:JP.Donnay at ulg.ac.be>>; Philippe De Maeyer
> <Philippe.DeMaeyer at UGent.be <mailto:Philippe.DeMaeyer at UGent.be>>;
> Roland Chantal <CRoland at sprb.irisnet.be
> <mailto:CRoland at sprb.irisnet.be>>; Sophie Vanwambeke
> <sophie.vanwambeke at uclouvain.be
> <mailto:sophie.vanwambeke at uclouvain.be>>; Yves Cornet
> <ycornet at ulg.ac.be <mailto:ycornet at ulg.ac.be>>; Ward VERLINDEN
> <Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be <mailto:Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be>>; Johan
> PONSAERTS <Johan.Ponsaerts at ngi.be <mailto:Johan.Ponsaerts at ngi.be>>;
> Wim Van Roy <Wim.VanRoy at UGent.be <mailto:Wim.VanRoy at UGent.be>>; Moritz
> Lennert <mlennert at ulb.ac.be <mailto:mlennert at ulb.ac.be>>; Maelle
> Vercauteren <maellevd at gmail.com <mailto:maellevd at gmail.com>>; Tais
> Grippa <tgrippa at ulb.ac.be <mailto:tgrippa at ulb.ac.be>>
> *Subject:*Mapathon
> Dear Kristien,
> Thank you !
> It would be nice to connect such initiative with the OSGEO Belgium and
> maybe to look for support outside our universities where teachers,
> assistants and researchers are rather busy. We could start the
> mapathon with a short talk on OSM, on the Missing Map Project followed
> by practical instructions. We could ask a support for drinks and
> snacks to students associations. If it is organized a Saturday, I
> think we could book two classrooms at ULB equipped each with 30
> computers (to be checked while the date is fixed). I do agree that the
> date should be fixed soon. Before Eastern seems already too busy for
> the students and short, but just after could be an option; what about
> the 16th or the 23h of April ?
> Kind regards and best wishes to all of you
> Eléonore
>> Le 4 janv. 2016 à 11:04, Kristien Ooms <kristien.ooms at ugent.be
>> <mailto:kristien.ooms at ugent.be>> a écrit :
>> Dear all,
>> There is still the proposal from Sophie to organize a joint Mapathon
>> in the context of the ‘Missing Maps
>> Project’àhttp://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Missing_Maps_Project
>> It is a nice event as it does not require too much preparation, we
>> can get students involved in the mapping project and by doing this we
>> support a good cause…
>> Sophie would want to organize it this spring…so it would be nice if
>> we could agree on a date to do this jointly.
>> (or possibly within the same week if it turns out that it is not
>> possible to find one date that suits all)
>> Kind regards…and of course best wishes for 2016!
>> Kristien
>> *From:*Frank Canters [mailto:fcanters at vub.ac.be]
>> *Sent:*woensdag 2 december 2015 10:48
>> *To:*'Frédérique SPITAELS' <Frederique.Spitaels at ngi.be
>> <mailto:Frederique.Spitaels at ngi.be>>; Kristien Ooms
>> <Kristien.Ooms at UGent.be <mailto:Kristien.Ooms at ugent.be>>; 'Jo Van
>> Valckenborgh' <Jo.VanValckenborgh at agiv.be
>> <mailto:Jo.VanValckenborgh at agiv.be>>; 'Anton Van Rompaey'
>> <Anton.VanRompaey at ees.kuleuven.be
>> <mailto:Anton.VanRompaey at ees.kuleuven.be>>;eleonore.wolff at ulb.ac.be
>> <mailto:eleonore.wolff at ulb.ac.be>; 'JASSELETTE Jean-Claude'
>> <jeanclaude.jasselette at spw.wallonie.be
>> <mailto:jeanclaude.jasselette at spw.wallonie.be>>;JP.Donnay at ulg.ac.be
>> <mailto:JP.Donnay at ulg.ac.be>; Philippe De Maeyer
>> <Philippe.DeMaeyer at UGent.be <mailto:Philippe.DeMaeyer at ugent.be>>;
>> 'Roland Chantal' <CRoland at sprb.irisnet.be
>> <mailto:CRoland at sprb.irisnet.be>>;sophie.vanwambeke at uclouvain.be
>> <mailto:sophie.vanwambeke at uclouvain.be>;ycornet at ulg.ac.be
>> <mailto:ycornet at ulg.ac.be>; 'Ward VERLINDEN' <Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be
>> <mailto:Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be>>; 'Johan PONSAERTS'
>> <Johan.Ponsaerts at ngi.be <mailto:Johan.Ponsaerts at ngi.be>>; Wim Van Roy
>> <Wim.VanRoy at UGent.be <mailto:Wim.VanRoy at ugent.be>>
>> *Cc:*'Ward VERLINDEN' <Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be
>> <mailto:Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be>>
>> *Subject:*RE: BeGEO
>> Dag Frédérique (en allen),
>> Goed idee om die info op onze IMY website aan te bieden. Is er ook
>> info beschikbaar in het Engels? Onze website is namelijk drietalig en
>> de Engelstalige informatie is belangrijk in onze communicatie naar de
>> ICA toe, die de info op onze website gebruikt om alle activiteiten
>> die plaatsvinden in het kader van IMY wereldwijd te inventariseren in
>> het kader van hun eigen rapportering.
>> Of we de tentoonstelling van kindertekeningen tijdens het congres
>> zouden opzetten hangt af van de kalender van de tentoonstelling
>> zelf. Kristien en ik bekijken momenteel de mogelijkheden qua
>> expositie en hebben een hele reeks potentiële locaties gecontacteerd
>> om te bekijken wanneer en waar de tentoonstelling kan opgezet worden.
>> Onze voorkeur gaat hierbij uit naar locaties waar we de
>> tentoonstelling enkele weken kunnen laten staan, omdat we al gemerkt
>> hebben dat het opstellen en verplaatsen van de tentoonstelling toch
>> wel wat werk met zich meebrengt. Maar moest de roll-ups op dat moment
>> nergens geëxposeerd zijn, dan kunnen we het mogelijk overwegen. Ik
>> hoor graag van jou en van andere leden van het comité
>> voorstellen/suggesties van mogelijke locaties (graag ook met
>> suggestie van de periode) waar we de tentoonstelling zouden kunnen
>> exposeren (moet liefst een publieke plaats zijn waar dagelijks veel
>> nieuwe mensen passeren, maar waar de roll-ups tegelijkertijd ook
>> veilig kunnen opgesteld worden; de opstelling is namelijk redelijk
>> kwetsbaar en er mag geen risico zijn dat mensen tegen de roll-ups
>> aanlopen of ze bijv. door wind worden omgeblazen).
>> Een volgende vergadering van het comité komt er waarschijnlijk in
>> januari of begin februari.
>> Ondertussen zijn alle suggesties voor nieuwe activiteiten die kunnen
>> passen in het kader van IMY welkom (wat is de status van de
>> tentoonstelling die NGI voorzag in het Koninklijk Paleis voor de
>> zomerperiode? Zou dit ook een mogelijke plek kunnen zijn om de
>> tentoonstelling van kindertekeningen op te zetten?)
>> Frank
>> *From:*Frédérique SPITAELS [mailto:Frederique.Spitaels at ngi.be]
>> *Sent:*woensdag 2 december 2015 10:06
>> *To:*Frank Canters <fcanters at vub.ac.be <mailto:fcanters at vub.ac.be>>;
>> 'Kristien Ooms' <kristien.ooms at ugent.be
>> <mailto:kristien.ooms at ugent.be>>; 'Jo Van Valckenborgh'
>> <Jo.VanValckenborgh at agiv.be <mailto:Jo.VanValckenborgh at agiv.be>>;
>> 'Anton Van Rompaey' <Anton.VanRompaey at ees.kuleuven.be
>> <mailto:Anton.VanRompaey at ees.kuleuven.be>>;eleonore.wolff at ulb.ac.be
>> <mailto:eleonore.wolff at ulb.ac.be>; 'JASSELETTE Jean-Claude'
>> <jeanclaude.jasselette at spw.wallonie.be
>> <mailto:jeanclaude.jasselette at spw.wallonie.be>>;JP.Donnay at ulg.ac.be
>> <mailto:JP.Donnay at ulg.ac.be>; 'Philippe De Maeyer'
>> <Philippe.DeMaeyer at UGent.be <mailto:Philippe.DeMaeyer at UGent.be>>;
>> 'Roland Chantal' <CRoland at sprb.irisnet.be
>> <mailto:CRoland at sprb.irisnet.be>>;sophie.vanwambeke at uclouvain.be
>> <mailto:sophie.vanwambeke at uclouvain.be>;ycornet at ulg.ac.be
>> <mailto:ycornet at ulg.ac.be>; Ward VERLINDEN <Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be
>> <mailto:Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be>>; Johan PONSAERTS
>> <Johan.Ponsaerts at ngi.be
>> <mailto:Johan.Ponsaerts at ngi.be>>;wim.vanroy at ugent.be
>> <mailto:wim.vanroy at ugent.be>
>> *Cc:*Ward VERLINDEN <Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be
>> <mailto:Ward.Verlinden at ngi.be>>
>> *Subject:*BeGEO
>> Bonjour à tous,
>> Je pense qu’il pourrait être opportun de compléter l’agenda des
>> évènements repris sur le sitehttp://www.internationalmapyear.be
>> <http://www.internationalmapyear.be/>, par la congrès BeGeo qui se
>> tiendra à Bruxelles, début Mars. L’inscription est gratuite.
>> Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur cet évènement au lien
>> suivant :http://www.begeo.be <http://www.begeo.be/fr/home/>ou dans
>> les documents que j’ai joints au courriel.
>> Je ne sais pas si une réunion du comité est planifiée prochainement
>> donc je vous fait part de mes suggestions par écrit :
>> -L’exposition des dessins des lauréats du concours Petchenik pourrait
>> y être exposée.
>> -Une communication relative à l’IMY pourrait y être faite.
>> A discuter donc et éventuellement concrétiser,
>> Bien à vous,
>> Frédérique
>> */Frédérique Spitaels /*
>> Institut Géographique National
>> Direction Applications / Unité de Cartographie
>> 13, Abbaye de la Cambre
>> B - 1000, Bruxelles
>> <image001.png>
>> _Tel:_+32 2 629.84.28_Website:_www.ign.be
>> <http://www.ign.be/>/www.internationalmapyear.be
>> <http://www.internationalmapyear.be/> …Suivez-nous sur<image002.gif>
>> <https://www.facebook.com/NGIIGN>
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