[Belgium] Belgium geocoding service

Jonathan Beliën jbelien at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 13:37:06 PDT 2016

Good evening everyone,

I saw in another discussion (whitepaper: Computing a shapefile by Belgian
zip codes) that you're talking about geocoding service.

I developed last year a geocoding service based on CRAB and Urbis OpenData
(and PICC - yes one of our customers has miraculously access to this
mysterious database of addresses in Wallonie -).
The service was developed in PHP using MariaDB database and the output was
in GeoJSON.

It worked quite well but this year I migrate the all shebang to PostgreSQL
and it works even beter. The service is a little bit faster but the data
process is wayyy faster !
API examples are available here : http://api.geocode.be/

It works very well but I think I could do even better !

I plan to develop the same service (yeah, I love PHP) using Elastic Search.
The service would normally be much faster and there will be many more
additionnal options available (search on a full string, reverse geocoding,

I developed the actual service for the company I work in but I plan on
making the new service open-source.
This new service would use CRAB and UrbIS (long live Open Data) and who
knows maybe one day PICC will be open data too (yeaaah ... riiight ...).

Is any of you interested in participating in this development ? Not
necessarily with the development but also with more strategic decision
(output formats, ouput data, ...).

Let me know !
I will develop the service anyway as soon as I have a little free time and
keep you updated of course.

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