[Belgium] Invitation to the OSGeo.be ASBL Annual General Assembly

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Mar 17 02:56:39 PDT 2016

On 16/03/16 19:56, Maelle Vercauteren wrote:
> For the moment our only voting member (not being part of the Board) is
> Moritz and he can’t come because he is not available at this date.
> His comment on a missing point to the agenda looks right** and I think
> it has to be added as all Founding Members agree with that...
> Following art. 20
> "Les décisions de l'assemblée générale peuvent être prises par
> consentement des membres effectifs exprimé par écrit (y comprit par
> email) selon les modalités décrite dans un règlement d’ordre intérieur. »
> Moritz can vote by writing or mail ‘to obtain the consensus’.

Well, I hate to be formalistic, but it does say "selon les modalités 
décrite dans un règlement d’ordre intérieur" which we don't have. ;-)

But I'll just follow Dirk's suggestion and write a mandate by email to 
the mandated person with CC to the president and the secretary.


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