[Belgium] Working group

Marc Ducobu marc.ducobu at champs-libres.coop
Tue Feb 7 10:09:13 PST 2017

Hello OSGeo,

It is time to have a face2face meeting during which we can work together
on OSGeo.be stuffs.

I'm thinking about :

- f*** financial stuff (at least with Moritz, Tommy & I)

- preparing the next FOSS4G

    - working on the website

    - working on the sponsors list

- finding new sponsors

- having some fun & drinking some beers or water for people who enjoy
the "Tournée minérale"

We will organize the meeting in Brussel. Does someone know a good
location (with wifi) near a station ?

For fixing the date, here is a survey :

See you soon.


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