[Belgium] BeGeo Programme Steering Meeting - OSGeo track

Dirk Frigne dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
Wed Jan 4 07:49:52 PST 2017

With respect to BeGeo event in March:
The next steerco is next week Th Januari 12 in Brussels.

I'll try to be there.
It would be good if we could have allocated already a couple of
speakers. As I wrote this morning to Johan, I think we need between 7
and 10(max) speakers.

I can give a presentation about OSGeo and I have a scientific
presentation about GDAL (ULB).
Johan, I assume you can tell something about OSGeoLive?

So we still need to fill 4-6 slots.

I can ask Bart De Lathouwer to present OGC in our track. He will be at
the meeting also. Other idea's, suggestions?


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	FW: BeGeo Programme Steering Meeting
Date: 	Wed, 4 Jan 2017 13:23:52 +0000
From: 	SCHELLEKENS Yves (YSCH) <yves.schellekens at agoria.be>
To: 	dirk.frigne at geosparc.com <dirk.frigne at geosparc.com>
CC: 	DE PAEPE Karla (KDPP) <karla.depaepe at agoria.be>, Jan De Waele
<Jan.De.Waele at ngi.be>

Beste Dirk,

Graag nodig ik je uit op volgende Steerco, zie invite hieronder.

Laat aub weten of je er kan zijn.



*Yves Schellekens*

*Business Group Leader Industries*

*Sent:* dinsdag 3 januari 2017 11:00
*To:* DE PAEPE Karla (KDPP); 'stephenne at issep.be';
'jeanclaude.jasselette at spw.wallonie.be'; 'channecart at cirb.brussels';
'Joris.sanders at agiv.be'; 'Jan.DeNaeyer at agiv.be'; 'Tom.VanHerck at agiv.be';
'Jan.De.Waele at ngi.be'; 'Ingrid.Vanden.Berghe at ngi.be';
'Alain.Gyssens at ngi.be'; 'Jean-Yves.Pirlot at ngi.be';
'Peter.Bogaert at gent.be'; 'bdelathouwer at opengeospatial.org';
'ben.abelshausen at okfn.org'; 'dirk.fransaer at vito.be';
'steven.krekels at vito.be'; 'francis.vanderhaeghen at vito.be';
'albert.hannay at begx.be'; 'Wim.Broes at Landmeter-Expert.org';
'rbillen at ulg.ac.be'; 'Philippe.demaeyer at ugent.be';
'joep.crompvoets at soc.kuleuven.be'; 'herman at sensebv.nl'; REYNAERT Ingrid
(IRNR); 'Vital.Schreurs at gim.be'; 'xavier.demarets at spw.wallonie.be';
'STEPHENNE Nathalie'; 'michel.stassart at skywin.be';
'Philippe.Ledent at spacebel.be'
*Subject:* BeGeo Programme Steering Meeting

Dear Friends,

With my warmest wishes for 2017, I hereby send a kind reminder for our
next Steerco, taking place next week.

I am sure it is on your calender.

This is an important meeting to shape content.

-       *Time*: Thursday Jan 12^th - 10 to 12 with sandwich lunch

-       *Place*: Agoria Diamant, Reyerslaan 80, 1030 Brussels

-       *Room*: Huyens

Can you let Karla De Paepe know by latest Monday Jan 9^th, if you will

Have a great start and hope to see all of you.

Yves, for Jan&Alain( NGI), Herman( Sense) and myself

*Yves Schellekens*

*Business Group Leader Industries*

*Sent:* vrijdag 25 november 2016 12:24
*To:* DE PAEPE Karla (KDPP); 'stephenne at issep.be';
'jeanclaude.jasselette at spw.wallonie.be'; 'channecart at cirb.brussels';
'Joris.sanders at agiv.be'; 'Jan.DeNaeyer at agiv.be'; 'Tom.VanHerck at agiv.be';
'Jan.De.Waele at ngi.be'; 'Ingrid.Vanden.Berghe at ngi.be';
'Alain.Gyssens at ngi.be'; 'Jean-Yves.Pirlot at ngi.be';
'Peter.Bogaert at gent.be'; 'bdelathouwer at opengeospatial.org';
'ben.abelshausen at okfn.org'; 'dirk.fransaer at vito.be';
'steven.krekels at vito.be'; 'francis.vanderhaeghen at vito.be';
'albert.hannay at begx.be'; 'Wim.Broes at Landmeter-Expert.org';
'rbillen at ulg.ac.be'; 'Philippe.demaeyer at ugent.be';
'joep.crompvoets at soc.kuleuven.be'; 'herman at sensebv.nl'; REYNAERT Ingrid
(IRNR); 'Vital.Schreurs at gim.be'; 'xavier.demarets at spw.wallonie.be'
*Subject:* MINUTES BeGeo 2017 programme discussion of October 27th,2016

Dear all,

Please find enclosed the minutes of our Meeting.

Do share with those we may have forgotten( let me know,please) or need
to be informed.

Hope to see many of you @our next meeting,Jan 12^th , 10 to 12, at
Agoria Diamant Brussels.

And maybe, a bit early, do enjoy the Year End Season.

Kind regards,

Yves ,  for and on behalf of organizers.

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