[Belgium] Minutes of the last OSGeo.be ASBL General Assembly (26/03/2018)

Tommy Oozeer tommyoozeer at skynet.be
Sun Apr 15 02:37:47 PDT 2018

Dear OSGeo.be Member, 


You can find the minutes of the last OSGeo.be General Assembly on the wiki

Please amend if necessary.






[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo-BE-general-assembly-minutes-20180326 


De : Tommy Oozeer <tommyoozeer at skynet.be> 
Envoyé : jeudi 15 mars 2018 17:24
À : 'belgium at lists.osgeo.org' <belgium at lists.osgeo.org>
Objet : [Belgium] Invitation to the OSGeo.be ASBL Annual General Assembly
Importance : Haute


Dear OSGeo.be Member, 


You are invited to join us for our Annual General Assembly of members
convened as follows : 


March 26th 2018, 19:00


Université libre de Bruxelles, 

 <https://www.ulb.ac.be/campus/solbosch/solbosch.html> Campus du Solbosch,
<https://www.ulb.ac.be/campus/solbosch/plan-D.html> building D, room DB6.133

Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50,

B-1050 Bruxelles


Please find the invitation and agenda on the wiki [1].


All voting, non-voting and even not yet members are welcome.


Tommy Oozeer

OSGeo.be ASBL Secretary

March 15th, 2018






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