[Belgium] AG 2018 - Preparation’s

Maelle Vercauteren mavercau at ulb.ac.be
Sun Mar 4 14:41:42 PST 2018


Let's fix March 26th for the GA then!

In principle the BeCentral team (Thanks to Dries cooperation) will send me
more info about the availability and the reduced price.

But it is ok for me to do it in Ghent.

What about having the skype meeting tomorrow evening?

My hope was to have a deadline, validate the budget and the agenda of the
GA but I don't know if there is any progress on this...

Do we maintain this meeting to fix the agenda or we just go through the
points by email ?!

Here is a first draft of the agenda. What do you think about it ?


   *Approval of the minutes of the previous general assembly ( do the the
   secretary or the president know where they are ?)*

   *Report of the president** and report of the secretary*

   *Report about the activities between October 2017 - February 2018*

      *FOSS4G.be 2017*

      *FOSDEM 2018*

   *Financial report 2017*

   *Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors for the 2017
   financial year.*

   *Provisional Budget 2018*

   *Composition of the board (mandates are expired, see call for boarding
   members below)*


      *New members*


   *Composition of the voting members (see call for voting members below )*


      *New members*


   *Preview of the events in 2018*


   *Agreement to give mandate to the board to take the necessary actions
   regarding the events and strategy ?*



   *Closing word by the president *

*Call for voting members*

*You want to promote open source software for Geospatial and be part of a
great team ?You want to invest some time and your know-how to help OSGeo.be
?If yes, you should definitely become a charter member of our association
!To apply, send us an email (via board [at] foss4g.be <http://foss4g.be> or
) and mention the 2 persons who want to second your nomination before March
20, 2018 The election of the new board will take place on March 26 during
the General Assembly.**Call for board members*

*We invite you to think about the possibility of presenting yourself for
the following positions to support the association:      * President      *
Treasurer      * Secretary*

*Each position requires a little time during the GA, to carry out its
projects and to represent OSGeo-be in some activities. Regular monitoring
is needed more than a significant amount of hours.The board is there to
manage the association, which relies on the community.To apply, send us an
email (via board [at] foss4g.be <http://foss4g.be>) and mention the 2
persons who want to second your candidature before March 20. The election
of the new board will take place on March 26, 2018.*

2018-03-02 8:55 GMT+01:00 Oliver May <oliver.may at geosparc.com>:

> Hi All,
> +1 for the 26th, I'll put it in my agenda.
> For the venue, our office in Ghent is available for free, and I can pick
> up and drop-off people at the Ghent Sint Pieters station if needed.
> I'm not in favor of a bar for acoustic (unless there is a separate
> meeting room available) and financial reasons.
> kind regards,
> Oliver
> On 1 March 2018 at 13:52, Johan Van de Wauw <johan.vandewauw at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> +1 for 26
>> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 10:37 AM, Marc Ducobu <
>> marc.ducobu at champs-libres.coop> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I also prefer the 26th
>>> Marc
>>> On 2018-02-28 08:55, Moritz Lennert wrote:
>>> > On 28/02/18 00:45, Maelle Vercauteren wrote:
>>> >> Hello all,
>>> >>
>>> >> Ok let's do it on the global mailing list then, the idea was just to
>>> >> discuss organisational matters with people who committed to give some
>>> >> time for OSGeo.be and to speed things up given that time is flying...
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> 1. We need to set the date now.
>>> >> According to the open doodle [1], the most popular dates were March
>>> >> 5th, 12th, 26th or 29th.
>>> >> It's already too late for the two first ones.
>>> >
>>> > And for me personally it's too late for the 29th. Something else has
>>> > come up on that evening that I cannot miss.
>>> >
>>> > So, I would prefer the 26th.
>>> >
>>> > Moritz
>>> >
>>> >
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> --
> --
> Oliver May
> Brugsesteenweg 587
> 9030 Gent
> T: +32 (0)484 97 77 70 <+32%20484%2097%2077%2070>
> W: http://www.geosparc.com
> Skype: skype://dfc.olivermay
> Twitter: olivermay_be
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> Belgium at lists.osgeo.org
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Campus du Solbosch
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Tél.: 02/650.68.14 Fax: 02/650.50.92 Local: DB6.143
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