[Belgium] It's time to wake-up (S06E02)

Gaël Kruwialis gael.kruwialis at ngi.be
Wed May 13 01:28:20 PDT 2020

Meeting today at 6:00 p.m. on jitsi :

Notes will be taken

Agenda (Draft) :
-General Assembly:
o How to organize it
o What is required
o Election of members of the board
o Charter members
o ….
-Official document: what do we need to prepare and send
-Foss4g-BE :
o Check & consoled previous suggestion (see last minute)
o Alternative date
o Alternative place



[Wij verhuizen - Nous déménageons]

Vanaf 25 maart 2020 is het nieuwe adres van het Nationaal Geografisch Instituut:

Kortenberglaan 115
1000 Brussel

    * * *

A partir du 25 mars 2020, la nouvelle adresse de l’Institut Géographique National est:

Avenue de Cortenbergh 115
1000 Bruxelles

Disclaimer <http://www.ngi.be/disclaimer.html>
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