[Belgium] OSGEO-BE : General Assembly 2020, fix the date

Gaël Kruwialis gael.kruwialis at ngi.be
Thu May 14 07:22:13 PDT 2020

Hello all,

We have to organize our General Assembly very soon.
The invitation must be sent at least two weeks before the date chosen.
Please fill out this poll to fix the date :


Important : this year the General Assembly will be a virtual meeting.


Gaël Kruwialis  |   Spatial Data Infrastructure
Institut géographique national  |  Avenue de Cortenbergh 115  |  1000 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 629 84 87  |  ign.be

[Wij verhuizen - Nous déménageons]

Vanaf 25 maart 2020 is het nieuwe adres van het Nationaal Geografisch Instituut:

Kortenberglaan 115
1000 Brussel

    * * *

A partir du 25 mars 2020, la nouvelle adresse de l'Institut Géographique National est:

Avenue de Cortenbergh 115
1000 Bruxelles

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