[Belgium] It's time to wake-up (S06E02) : Minute

Gaël Kruwialis gael.kruwialis at ngi.be
Thu May 14 08:08:11 PDT 2020

Minute 13/05/2020 : It's time to wake-up (S06E02)
PRESENT: Roel, Marc, Moritz, Gael

-    General Assembly:
     1. Fix the poll:
     before  20/05
     2. It will be a Virtual meeting
     3. Moritz prepare the agenda on the basis of the 2019 invitation
(Suggest Agenda: Approval of minutes of GA 2019 - Approval of accounts 2019 - Approval of activity report 2019 - Discharge of the board - New Charter Member - Renewal of the Board - Program of activities 2020 - Budget 2020 - Miscellaneous)
     4. Our president 'll send it
     5. Gael ask to Tommy for the last Minute (GA 2019)
     6. Particular attention:
           a.   Marc send Official Bank Document to Roel to be effective treasurer
           b.   Composition of the board
           c.   Charter member nomination (voting members)

-    Foss4g-BE :
     1. We don't want to risk organizing the same day as BEGEO.
     2. After asking Brussels Environment, we would have a free date on Wednesday 16 December with the following room: Auditoire - Atrium - Terra - Sylva
     => Awaiting confirmation before making the announcement
     3. Actually, we can't predict what will be allowed, we'll decide on the form of our event (virtual - small committee - ...) later.
     4. The call of paper will be launched soon (after BE confirmation)

-    Divers :
Push (all) the minute on OSGEO website


Gaël Kruwialis  |   Spatial Data Infrastructure

Institut géographique national  |  Avenue de Cortenbergh 115  |  1000 Bruxelles

+32 (0)2 629 84 87  |  ign.be<http://www.ngi.be/>

[Wij verhuizen - Nous déménageons]

Vanaf 25 maart 2020 is het nieuwe adres van het Nationaal Geografisch Instituut:

Kortenberglaan 115
1000 Brussel

    * * *

A partir du 25 mars 2020, la nouvelle adresse de l'Institut Géographique National est:

Avenue de Cortenbergh 115
1000 Bruxelles

Disclaimer <http://www.ngi.be/disclaimer.html>
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