[Belgium] Collaboration between OSGeo.be and a Free GIS training at ULB ?
Moritz Lennert
mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Mon May 10 23:17:21 PDT 2021
Hi Maëlle,
You obviously have my support, but I think you could facilitate decision making on this by explaining what such a partnership would imply for OSGeo.be, i.e. what would we commit to.
Have a nice day,
Am 11. Mai 2021 02:02:00 MESZ schrieb Maelle Vercauteren <mavercau at ulb.ac.be>:
>Dear all,
>Dear board members,
>It's been a long time since we had any contact... I am therefore delighted
>that we will soon have this GA to get back together.
>In this context, I was wondering if OSGeo-be would be interested in
>collaborating with us (ULB / DGES / IGEAT / ANAGEO) as part of our long (6
>months) training in free GIS.
>Given the short time to have your official agreement (ideally today May
>11th), I have added the members of the board and the promoter of our
>training in cc.
>Indeed, we will soon send our application to the call from ARES-CCD to
>renew this training. It has existed since 2008 and is intended for an
>audience of French-speaking professionals from developing countries
>involved in development cooperation (mainly members of the administration,
>university and local NGOs in sub-Saharan Africa). Participating as a non
>academic partner would imply to organize together one or a few activities
>(debate, seminar, geo-dev, map galleries, ... and ideally a dedicated
>session in the FOSS4G-be) for our trainees on a development theme. The
>details do not have to be decided now. There are certainly many possible
>In this context, *we would like to know if you would agree that OSGeo.be is
>mentioned as a non-academic partner for our new certifying training in free
>GIS that would be organized at the ULB from 2022 to 2026 (if our funding is
>renewed) ?*
>If so, it would simply be necessary to mention a member of the association
>(eg the president ;-)) as a non-academic partner.
>Unfortunately, the call ends very soon so we would need a decision before
>the GA.
>It would be awesome if we could get feedback from some of the board members
>before Wednesday 12th.
>If you do not have time to respond quickly but are open to a more formal
>collaboration, we could add a short sentence explaining that discussions on
>this topic are ongoing ;-)
>Thanks a lot and sorry for the late request,
>Coordinatrice du stage SIG Libres ARES
>Département Géosciences, Environnement et Société
>Université Libre de Bruxelles
>Bureau: S.DB.6.143
>CP 130/03
>Av. F.D. Roosevelt 50
>1050 Bruxelles
>Tél.: 02/650.68.14 Fax: 02/650.50.92
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