[Benchmarking] Styling tiger_tracs

Smith, Michael ERDC-USACE-NH michael.smith at usace.army.mil
Thu Sep 3 10:11:48 EDT 2009


How about a semitransparent fill? That is the kind of style commonly used
for these kind of administrative bounds.

Something like a 30% fill?

Michael Smith
RSGIS Center
US Army Corps of Engineers

On 9/3/09  10:04 AM, "Andrea Aime" <aaime at opengeo.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> the polygon layer we have there covers is related to census tracs
> for the whole united states.
> The data is boring as it can be:
>   gid        | integer                |
>   statefp00  | character varying(2)   |
>   countyfp00 | character varying(3)   |
>   tractce00  | character varying(6)   |
>   ctidfp00   | character varying(11)  |
>   name00     | character varying(100) |
>   namelsad00 | character varying(100) |
>   mtfcc00    | character varying(5)   |
>   funcstat00 | character varying(1)   |
>   the_geom   | geometry               |
> Most of those attributes are in fact numeric codes,
> see attached text file.
> Not sure we can make any sensible thematic map
> out of this.
> Yet, it's not uncommon for polygons to be
> just depicted as a reference background,
> especially when it comes to administrative
> borders.
> Maybe for this one we could simply decide to
> make a solid fill, solid outline map?
> Would play well with with the choice of drawing it
> to GIF without antialiasing.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> Andrea Aime
> OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
> Expert service straight from the developers.
> select statefp00, countyfp00, tractce00, ctidfp00, name00, namelsad00,
> mtfcc00, funcstat00 from tiger_tracts_pg
>  statefp00 | countyfp00 | tractce00 |  ctidfp00   | name00  |      namelsad00
> | mtfcc00 | funcstat00
> -----------+------------+-----------+-------------+---------+-----------------
> -----+---------+------------
>  36        | 081        | 032800    | 36081032800 | 328     | Census Tract 328
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 009600    | 36081009600 | 96      | Census Tract 96
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 065900    | 36081065900 | 659     | Census Tract 659
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 006300    | 36081006300 | 63      | Census Tract 63
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 060300    | 36081060300 | 603     | Census Tract 603
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 056600    | 36081056600 | 566     | Census Tract 566
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 063302    | 36081063302 | 633.02  | Census Tract
> 633.02  | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 138502    | 36081138502 | 1385.02 | Census Tract
> 1385.02 | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 068300    | 36081068300 | 683     | Census Tract 683
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 112300    | 36081112300 | 1123    | Census Tract
> 1123    | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 049600    | 36081049600 | 496     | Census Tract 496
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 007100    | 36081007100 | 71      | Census Tract 71
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 046500    | 36081046500 | 465     | Census Tract 465
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 070900    | 36081070900 | 709     | Census Tract 709
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 024600    | 36081024600 | 246     | Census Tract 246
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 067102    | 36081067102 | 671.02  | Census Tract
> 671.02  | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 058500    | 36081058500 | 585     | Census Tract 585
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 122701    | 36081122701 | 1227.01 | Census Tract
> 1227.01 | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 051600    | 36081051600 | 516     | Census Tract 516
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 099200    | 36081099200 | 992     | Census Tract 992
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 062700    | 36081062700 | 627     | Census Tract 627
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 040700    | 36081040700 | 407     | Census Tract 407
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 134700    | 36081134700 | 1347    | Census Tract
> 1347    | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 076600    | 36081076600 | 766     | Census Tract 766
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 002800    | 36081002800 | 28      | Census Tract 28
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 075700    | 36081075700 | 757     | Census Tract 757
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 045900    | 36081045900 | 459     | Census Tract 459
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 053200    | 36081053200 | 532     | Census Tract 532
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 037300    | 36081037300 | 373     | Census Tract 373
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 023000    | 36081023000 | 230     | Census Tract 230
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 021400    | 36081021400 | 214     | Census Tract 214
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 004500    | 36081004500 | 45      | Census Tract 45
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 015000    | 36081015000 | 150     | Census Tract 150
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 028100    | 36081028100 | 281     | Census Tract 281
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 035500    | 36081035500 | 355     | Census Tract 355
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 020800    | 36081020800 | 208     | Census Tract 208
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 050700    | 36081050700 | 507     | Census Tract 507
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 017800    | 36081017800 | 178     | Census Tract 178
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 098700    | 36081098700 | 987     | Census Tract 987
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 006100    | 36081006100 | 61      | Census Tract 61
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 145900    | 36081145900 | 1459    | Census Tract
> 1459    | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 001400    | 36081001400 | 14      | Census Tract 14
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 036900    | 36081036900 | 369     | Census Tract 369
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 051200    | 36081051200 | 512     | Census Tract 512
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 086500    | 36081086500 | 865     | Census Tract 865
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 058000    | 36081058000 | 580     | Census Tract 580
> | G5020   | S
>  36        | 081        | 001600    | 36081001600 | 16      | Census Tract 16
> | G5020   | S
> ...
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