[Benchmarking] Sample Barcelona Vector Dataset

Iván Sánchez Ortega ivan at sanchezortega.es
Thu Jul 1 13:08:38 EDT 2010

El día Wednesday 30 June 2010 22:33:33, Jeff McKenna dijo:
> [...] The field "CFUN_0604" exists, but I see that you also
> want it classed by the "COMPETENCIA_604" and "CATEGORIA_604" fields as well
> - I have a "COMPE_0604", but no field named "CATEGORIA...".

Sorry about that. I trusted the documentation a bit too much.

I've had a look at the actual data, and fixed the wiki accordingly.

> (what exactly is an example logical expression for this road layer:
> trunk -> CFUN_0604 = 01 && COMPETENCIA_604 != 01 && ....???)

It means "COMPE_604 is different than 01, and CFUN_604 is 02".

The rules for styling roads will depend not on one field, but on two fields.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan at sanchezortega.es>

Un ordenador no es una televisión ni un microondas: es una herramienta 

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