[Benchmarking] portrayal and quality observations

Liujian (LJ) Qian LJ.Qian at oracle.com
Thu Sep 2 13:39:57 EDT 2010

Luc Donea wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have made the following observations over the last couple of days 
> that would be great to clarify from the teams.
> Given the lack of time left we do not necessarily expect anything to 
> change but we think it would be good to record and document these 
> types of issues as part of the final presentation of the numbers.
> Please do not take this as criticism at all!
>    1. The Oracle Mapviewer road styling does not meet the brief. Road
>       lines are merged and do not display the z-index properly? Eg.
>       Roads joining highways instead of overlapping etc.
>          1.,41.145690917969,2.2661682128906,41.557678222657&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=600
>             <,41.145690917969,2.2661682128906,41.557678222657&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=600>
>          2.,41.162170410156,2.2853942871094,41.574157714844&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=600
>             <,41.162170410156,2.2853942871094,41.574157714844&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=600>

Thanks for noticing and pointing it out. We will look into it...


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