[OSGeo-Board] Fwd: proposal for OSGeo workshops in Mumbai

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Sat Dec 16 05:13:53 PST 2006

On 12/15/06, Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell at shaw.ca> wrote:
> I understand Dave,
> I'm just the enthusiastic messenger...
> I agree with both of you.  The question that this raises to me is
> more around which part of the budget would requests like this come
> from.  Is it a VisCom project?  Or an Education project?  If an
> Education project, does EduCom have a budget and plan these kinds of
> things, etc., etc.  Or is it a special request of some sort.  I don't
> have any answers, just throwing up the straw man.


There is no money budgeted for the education committee.  This could
fall within VisCom's budget if they wanted it to, but then the request
should go to them rather than us.  Basically, I don't think we budgeted
for this sort of activity and so I'm hesitant to fund it unless we get to a
point that we know we have extra funds to work with.

As suggested in the meeting, this might be something the $15K for
OSGeo india could be applied to if the chapter wanted to.

> Agreed - Fundraising committee needs to establish some projections
> and plans.  As well, this will need to include how new funds coming
> in get designated against our budget.

The fundraising committee has produced projections.  Let me know
if you need a pointer to them.  I do think the board needs to keep an
eye on income and costs in case we need to limit some budgetted
expenditures in light of actual income.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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