[OSGeo-Board] OSGeo status regarding implementation of standards

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Fri Nov 3 08:25:28 PST 2006

I also stripped some language that I stole from the WMS spec, back  
when I thought I was going to pattern on that document, and changed  
"standard" to "document" in a number of cases.


On 3-Nov-06, at 8:20 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:

> Done.
> "This document is the work of a loose community of participants  
> interested in client/server mapping solutions that use multi- 
> resolution image pyramids. It is meant to be used as a baseline for  
> the implementation of client/server mapping software. It is not an  
> "official standard" nor is it endorsed by OSGEO as an official  
> project or work product of the Foundation."
> On 3-Nov-06, at 8:15 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> Arnulf Christl wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been asked by the OGC whether OSGeo wants to become an  
>>> active standardization body. I said that OSGeo has set a high  
>>> affinity for standards in its charter but that it is currently  
>>> not actively developing them. Reading the page "Tile Map Service  
>>> Specification" speaks a different language though:
>>> From: http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Tile_Map_Service_Specification
>>> This specification is currently in active revision, edits are  
>>> accepted from any user at any time. Please join the mailing list  
>>> http://lists.eogeo.org/mailman/listinfo/tiling to discuss your  
>>> ideas before applying them to the draft. The specification will  
>>> first move from active revision to final review and then finally  
>>> to numbered specification, at which point it will be locked.
>>> Personally I am all in favor of a fast, easy, and truly open  
>>> process that considers technical aspects and goes about it  
>>> pragmatically. But we do not have an official statement regarding  
>>> this. As long as we have not considered this we should be careful  
>>> proclaiming the above 'standard' in the way we do because of all  
>>> kings of legal implications.
>> Arnulf,
>> I don't think there is a problem with it being called a standard,  
>> or living
>> in the OSGeo wiki.  I would appreciate some sort of preamble or  
>> something
>> indicating it is a defacto standard being developed by a community of
>> interest, and not officially associated with OSGeo.
>> Best regards,
>> -- 
>> --------------------------------------- 
>> +--------------------------------------
>> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,  
>> warmerdam at pobox.com
>> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
>> and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http:// 
>> osgeo.org

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