[Fwd: failure notice]

Auke Jilderda auke at collab.net
Fri Sep 8 07:51:36 PDT 2006


you are quite right.  I escalated the issue to a P1 and our Support is
now looking into it with the highest priority.  (Judging from the
earlier speed with DNS requests, I had expected no escalation to be

Feel free to escalate such things through (Andrew or) me anytime.


On 08 September 2006 15:40, Jo Walsh wrote:
> dear Auke, to my mind it is just unacceptable that since the last CN
> upgrade all messages sent to [username]@osgeo.org are returning a
> bounce message even though they are also being delivered properly.
> I'm also very disturbed by the fact that the geodata.osgeo.org DNS
> record *disappeared* after I requested several subdomains be delegated
> to telascience; the geodata mailing list and svn repository have been
> out of action today, and right now they're being heavily used to
> collaborate on a demo for a big conference next week. It's critical
> right now to have the OSGeo infrastructure doing what it says on the
> service lvel agreement. Is there some way we can have this escalated
> up the support queue?
> Sorry to whine at the board en masse about this - i'm not sure who
> 'front person' is for the osgeo/mapguide/cn relationship and perhaps
> someone at adsk knows the procedure for getting support requests
> escalated... 
> jo

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