[Board] Re: [OSGeo BC] OSGeo BC Chapter Formation

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Wed Dec 5 09:43:44 PST 2007

I've added this item to this Month's board agenda,



On 4-Dec-07, at 10:17 AM, Kyle, Martin wrote:

> Dear OSGeo Board Members,
> On November 15, 2007 from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Pacific, a group of  
> people converged at two locations simultaneously and held a video  
> conference in an attempt to form the British Columbia chapter of  
> the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. This action was taken after  
> a call for interest was officially made by posting a wiki topic on  
> October 11, 2007. At the meeting, we enjoyed the presence of 22  
> people and we discussed the structure and organization of our  
> proposed chapter.
> An action item that arose from the meeting was for the elected  
> chair to formally request that the board officially sanction the  
> chapter. It is with this intent that I request on behalf of those  
> who attended that a formal recognition be made for “OSGeo BC – the  
> British Columbia Chapter of the Open Source Geospatial Consortium.”
> The group is currently comprised of individuals from both the  
> public sector and the private sector. We represent interests as  
> different as software developers to application end users, from  
> consultants to those representing business operations. Initially,  
> we have focused on the promotion of gatherings in Vancouver and  
> Victoria; however, we have the intent of accepting additional  
> groups that may want to join us at our meetings (e.g. Prince George  
> and beyond). Thus, the scope of OSGeo BC is to form a locus of  
> interaction for the open source geospatial community in British  
> Columbia, Canada. We are organized into Local Interest Groups which  
> serve the operational role of Organizing Committees for a quarterly  
> event. The details of our formation can further be found at: http:// 
> wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/British_Columbia_Chapter
> Respectfully,
> H. Martin Kyle, Chair
> Jason Birch, Co-chair
> Others showing support of OSGeo BC
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/British_Columbia_Chapter_Membership
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