[Board] OGC Relationship

Gary Lang gary.lang at autodesk.com
Fri Jan 5 15:00:06 PST 2007


Do we have a list of specs/standards that OSGeo members/projects have


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Holmes [mailto:cholmes at openplans.org]
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 12:35 AM
To: Gary Lang
Cc: Frank Warmerdam (External); board at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Board] OGC Relationship

I'm +1 on all this.

I am sort of on the side of OSGeo being a lightweight, and more
importantly _open_ place to make specs.  But I'm of the camp that we
should _start_ specs, and then transition them to OGC.  The big problem
with OGC is that they don't keep things open from the start, the
advantage of being a member is you get a 'head start' on implementing
specs, you get to see the 'private' area.  So as long as they're fine
with us starting things in the open and putting them in to OGC process
when appropriate I'm good with us stating that we're not 'in the
standards business'.


Gary Lang wrote:
> "I'm not sure what we would offer OGC in return.  I suspect ultimately

> what would be most valuable to them is some sort of commitment to not 
> become a a "standards development" organization.  This avoids 
> duplication, confusion in the marketplace, and what they might 
> consider competition."
>>From talking with David, I think is exactly what we would usefully
> offer, and for two reasons:
> a) we're not in the standards business. It's not in our top 
> priorities, last I looked
> b) exactly what you said - "avoids duplication, confusion in the 
> marketplace"
> If a) is true, then providing comfort and clarity around b) seems a 
> no-brainer.
> Gary
> -----Original Message-----
> From: board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Frank Warmerdam
> (External)
> Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 11:03 AM
> To: board at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [Board] OGC Relationship
> Folks,
> I'm taking the liberty of moving (at least part) of this discussion to

> the public board list.
> I am favorable on the idea of a formal liason relationship with OGC 
> though I don't consider it particularly critical to us or them since 
> there is already extensive cross membership and cross pollination.
> If we are to have a formal liason relationship, one benefit I would 
> like to see is the ability for us give some developers access to 
> working OGC documents, and for those developers to be involved in OGC 
> testbeds, and working groups as OSGeo representatives.  I believe the 
> OGC portal allows members to setup accounts for individuals to access
the portal.
> We could manage a list of developers-with-access via this mechanism, 
> with the understanding that we would never have more than some fixed 
> number of developers (or users really) so authorized.  I think even 
> doing this for 5-10 would be plenty since most OSGeo project folks 
> with an interest in OGC work already have access through corporate 
> memberships.
> I'm not sure what we would offer OGC in return.  I suspect ultimately 
> what would be most valuable to them is some sort of commitment to not 
> become a a "standards development" organization.  This avoids 
> duplication, confusion in the marketplace, and what they might 
> consider competition.
> I'd be agreeable with this, but it must be understood that 
> self-organizing working groups within and between OSGeo projects are 
> likely to develop specifications such as GeoRSS, or the web tile 
> specification whether we encourage it or not, and I don't want to be 
> in the position of discouraging that.  So we must be careful that such

> activities are not precluded.
> At
> most I think the board could offer to not develop and support our own 
> standards development process - understanding that we won't supress it

> either.
> The other angle might be some sort of more active involvement of OSGeo

> projects in OGC testbeds and other IE efforts.  However, it is hard 
> for us to force project involvement.  It might be appropriate for the 
> foundation to provide some modest supporting funding for project 
> involvement in OGC testbeds and interoperability experiments.  For 
> instance, providing travel funding.
> Note that there are at least a few people who would like to see OSGeo 
> become a sort of light weight agile standards development
> I'm not keen on that, but it might be prudent to give these folks a 
> chance to make their case.
> Best regards,

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project

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