[Board] Official OSGeo address ?

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Mon Jan 8 14:09:52 PST 2007

Hi All,
Back to this issue now that our migration stuff is starting to wrap  

For our conference contract the meeting planning team wants our  
'official' foundation address.  Some seem to think we'd have a  
Delaware, USA address for the 'official' corporation identity, but I  
didn't think we ever used anything like that.  Do you know any more  
than me about this?

Do you think we should have a US postal address for official stuff?

This can be done through services like http:// 
www.remotecontrolmail.com - so that the address isn't actually tied  
to where I'm living.  This service costs about $10/month plus  
shipping charges for full documents/packages when needed (not just  


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