[Board] Contracting Agreement

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Sat Jan 13 14:45:25 PST 2007


I believe I am getting very close to launching a maintainer agreement
for GDAL/OGR through the foundation.  I have collected sponsorships,
found a willing maintainer, and am in the process of getting authorization
from my project steering committee to proceed.  However, the agreement will
be between the contractor (Mateusz Loskot) and the foundation.  So my
question is what sort of paperwork we should be putting into place for this.

As a contractor, I rarely actually sign contracts with my clients.  I get
a general agreement on a statement of work, and a price from my clients,
I do the work, and I invoice.  With luck, the client pays the invoice.

So my question then, for OSGeo to contract Mateusz do we need a legal
contract in place?  If so do we have a template I should use?

Assuming my normal looser form of operation is acceptable, I am planning
to use the following "agreement" to establish the working parameters of
the relationship.

	GDAL Maintence Agreement

This is an agreement for OSGeo, on behalf of the GDAL/OGR project, to
contract with Mateusz Loskot for 600 hours of maintenance work on the
GDAL/OGR project over six months.


The agreement is effective immediately, and is in force until all 600
hours work are completed, or till the end of July 2007, which ever comes


The contractor will invoice OSGeo at the end of March, May and July for
work completed so far at the rate of $15 USD per hour.  The invoices will
include timesheets for the period in question, and OSGeo will be responsible
for paying within 30 days of recieving the invoice.

Payments will be by wire tranfer to a designated account.

Under no circumstances will OSGeo be responsible for total payments
amounting to more than $9000 USD.

Tasks and Supervision

The tasks will be those designated by the Supervisor, Frank Warmerdam.
Generally the work will be as described in RFC 9: GDAL Paid Maintainer

Benefits and Status

The contractor is operating as an independent service provider, and is not
an employee of OSGeo.  The contractor receives no benefits from OSGeo, and
is responsible for paying all appropriate taxes on received contract payments.

The RFC 9 referred to here, is a document of the GDAL/OGR project (also
up for approval just now) and can be found at:


PS. I'm hoping to put the agreement into effect as soon as Wednesday.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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