[Board] FOSS4G 2009 RFP

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Oct 25 06:33:00 PDT 2007

Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
> To me it is a missed opportunity to not have concluded on this 
> discussion before issuing the RFP.


True - but we did decide to meet at the beginning of each month, rather
than as needed.

> Getting the base funding of OSGeo more stable I think we had good ideas 
> during the board meeting (for instance by reducing expenses and / or by 
> charging more for (some of the!?) workshops).

There is no reason interested board members can't become active in the
conference committee to pursue these ideas.  But - as things are currently
structured much of the detailed decision making is actually done by
the local conference committee, not the OSGeo conference committee whose
primary responsibilities have turned out to be site selection.

One issue (in my mind) is that the board can't effectively micromanage
the conference.  At best we can give broad direction (ie. make a profit,
put community ahead of promotion, keep it affordable) and then we have
to leave it to the group actually executing site selection or running
to conference to handle the details.

> But if this should or can not be delayed with a week, or be discussed 
> before on this list or IRC, that's what it will be :-)

The RFP can be delayed if necessary, which is why I've provided notice
to the board.  But it would be a bit disruptive, so I'd rather not ask
Jeff to hold the RFP back unless the board feels pretty strongly about
making changes.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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