[Board] OSGeo mailing addresses

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Fri Aug 22 10:16:20 PDT 2008

Hi, just an FYI... For a bit of background I thought I'd explain how  
I've been using mailing addresses for OSGeo.  Not much fun, but  
thought I'd get it off my chest anyway.  It's an important issue  
because for financial and legal purposes we are often asked for our  
official corporate address or headquarters.  (US Border Security  
doesn't like a wrong answer, by the way)

We are officially registered in the US State of Delaware with a legal  
representation agent, that's the official address on file, but not  
used for day-to-day mail intended for my office.  Gary and others at  
Autodesk helped get lots started, so we initially used their  
headquarters (San Rafael, California) address for legal docs, etc.   
and even forwarded cheques there for deposit up to recently.  Our  
initial bank account was local there.

It was important for paperwork reasons to have a US street mailing  
address that was not Autodesk, so I've been using earthclassmail.com  
for a while to scan/forward mail to me (that's the Beaverton, Oregon  
address you may have seen).  They batch stuff up and ship it to me at  
my request - but it was horrendously slow crossing the border to  
Canada and somewhat expensive to ship from there.  The main thing it  
provided was a US street address and allowed me to choose where to  
ship the documents to - e.g. to Ken/Laura for depositing locally, or  
to me directly.  Very handy online tools there.

Went I started as ED I set up a local post office box (Williams Lake,  
BC), so that my home office address wasn't used in any official  
documents.  It has served pretty well, but doesn't play nicely with  
any form/process that rejects PO Box numbers.  Unfortunately there  
are no other street address mailing options locally for me.

So, all this to say, I am testing out using a mail forwarding service  
based out of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  It will  
essentially serve as the official street address for OSGeo, at least  
in Canada.  Wherever possible I will also move away from the Oregon  
address so shipments come directly to Canada and only a short (and  
cheaper) hop away from me.  I will also close down the PO Box at some  
point, leaving us with a much simpler approach.

Just for the record, you can add this address to your list:

OSGeo (or full name)
3rd floor, 422 Richards Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 2Z3

They also can provide us FAX service, as well as a meeting room in  
Vancouver if ever needed.


P.S. I'm also moving to use a single phone number: +1-250-303-1831  
and dropping the other one.

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