[Board] Board Meeting 2009-05-29 (confirmed)

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Tue May 26 13:11:42 PDT 2009

On 26-May-09, at 10:31 AM, Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) wrote:

> All,
> please check whether this change in time would prevent you from  
> attending
> and let us know.

That time works fine for me.

> Incubation is hot. I am happy to see that the list is still  
> functioning as
> we have heard little from Incubation lately. Could we suggest to  
> the chair
> of the committee to follow up on some projects to present some  
> progress on
> incubation? Or nudge the mentors to do their job?

Hopefully asking for project reports for the annual report helps  
remind projects of their need to move forward.  Most projects have  
given a report and included a comment or two on incubation/graduation  
status.  Not very detailed, but it does help somewhat.

> Where 2.0 was inspiring for me, but especially because I had the  
> chance
> and honor of being able to spend some time with Paul. This made me  
> think
> that I would really like to see the board spend a long weekend  
> somewhere
> this summer. I think it would be good for OSGeo if the board met  
> not just
> once a year at the FOSS4G to meet in person. If anybody has a  
> suggestions
> for a place time and date to do just that I would be the first to  
> try make
> it possible. It will almost surely be impossible to find a suitable  
> date
> and place where all of us can but maybe some or two groups at separate
> meetings.

Judging by how many board members make it to a code sprint or two, it  
might be easiest to try to aim to meet at one of those.  I assume  
that each Europe or North American meeting could get at least half  
the board together at a time, if not more.

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