[Board] OSGeo naming

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at metaspatial.net
Mon Jun 7 03:48:17 PDT 2010

sorry for not showing up at the last meeting, I did not manage to be in
the office in time.

Following up on the agenda item "Short dialog on naming OSGeo
"International, Global, World, ..." ?". No worries, there is no
intention to change anything but I wanted to have a short "dialog" or
"brainstorm" on how we best name things. Maybe it is only me but I
regularly need to differentiate between different "instances" or
"categories" of OSGeo. 

This issue again became apparent in the recent discussion around
supporting Map World Forum 2011 by GIS Development. Annu Negi from GIS
Development used "OSGeo Int." to differentiate it from the OSGeo Local
Chapter "OSGeo India". There might be other options some of which
already came up. It would be good to develop a common opinion and then 
use that name in contexts where we need to differentiate. Here are
some suggestions off the top of my head. Please add your own ideas and
consider and comment them. 
* OSGeo World
* OSGeo Main
* OSGeo International
* OSGeo Int.
* OSGeo HQ
* OSGeo General 
* ...

Before we decide anything we should also post this to discuss but it 
might be good to come up with a suitable version right away. 

Best regards form beautiful Bolsena in Italy,


That was last year, this year the weather is even better... :-)

Nothing makes sense, except we make it. 

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