[Board] OSM MoU

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Nov 5 07:43:27 PDT 2010

Tim Schaub wrote:
> Is the sentence below an accurate/complete summary of the purpose of the 
> MoU from the OSGeo perspective?
> "OSGeo is interested in ensuring that OSGeo software integrates well and 
> facilitates in the collection of OSM data."


I would consider this accurate but not comprehensive.

> What would be the benefits for OSM of pursuing such a MoU (as opposed to 
> continuing with the status quo)?
> Are there any concrete examples of differences between how we (OSGeo & 
> OSM) operate now and how we would operate after signing a memorandum?
> Thanks for any help with these questions.  It will help to have more 
> input to flesh out the proposal for the OSM Board.

In my opinion there are a few things we might want to address in an MOU.

1) Recognition from OSGeo that OSM is fulfilling an important part of
our Open Geo Data objective and that we will be supportive of their
efforts as appropriate.  In practice this might include trying to avoid
duplication of what OSM does, and directing people to OSM for volunteered
feature data activities.

2) Cooperation to ensure that OSGeo software integrates well with OSM
data.  I'm not sure what the concrete steps are in this direction but
we can at least state it as a goal.

3) Recognition of a large overlap in our communities and goals such that
it may make sense in some cases to share events, and to have joint local
chapter/organizations in some geographic communities.  We aren't going to
force this, but try to ensure our concept of local events and affiliates
does not interfere with this sort of cooperation.

It would also be nice if OSM didn't treat GIS, and GIS Standards as
some sort of "bad thing", but that is likely more historical now, and not
suitable to address in an MOU.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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