[Board] Re: Open Source and Open Standards White Paper

Carl Reed creed at opengeospatial.org
Thu Apr 14 10:23:44 PDT 2011

Arnulf -

Am reviewing now. I have no problem removing the 3 lines about me that are 
in the intro.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Seven (aka Arnulf)" <seven at arnulf.us>
To: "OSGeo Board" <board at lists.osgeo.org>
Cc: "Carl Reed OGC Account" <creed at opengeospatial.org>; "Lance McKee" 
<lmckee at opengeospatial.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 1:02 PM
Subject: Open Source and Open Standards White Paper

> Folks,
> as discussed on IRC we have further developed the article on Open Source 
> and Open Standards:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Talk:Open_Source_and_Open_Standards
> It would be great if you could give it a pass and maybe hit edit and add a 
> comma, fix a typo or change wording that you think needs a change (if only 
> to indicate that you have read it - please... :-). For the official public 
> text we might not need the introduction naming Carl and me as authors and 
> the mentioned texts. I would be happy if it just said the OGC and OSGeo 
> Foundation did this collaboratively.
> If you are fine with it please indicate that you will support a motion 
> along this line:
> "I (Arnulf) motion to accept the text on "Open Source and Open Standards" 
> Version 1.0 as a White Paper to be published jointly with the OGC. I 
> recommend to revisit this document in a yearly manner and update as seen 
> needed. "
> Ideally we could get replies and edits from board members until the end of 
> the week, so that we can vote on this motion over the weekend and be done 
> with it beginning of next week.
> No harm if you vote a -1 immediately, just indicate what it is that makes 
> you think we should not go ahead.
> Thanks for your contribution.
> Have fun,
> Arnulf.
> -- 
> Exploring Space, Time and Mind
> http://arnulf.us

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