[Board] IslandWood registrations?

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Mon Nov 21 12:39:30 PST 2011

Daniel, Board:

I've done my best to harangue and harass people, but we're not getting the response for registering for the North American codesprint.  The event is in February, and so I'm now officially very nervous -- I expected to have filled out most of the slots right now.

We have 10 signed up, with 2 more certain to pay, so that is half of the 25 places we have reserved.

On the bright side, however, we have put down a deposit of $10K, and still owe $10K more, but we have taken in $17K in funds to date due to generous sponsors, which means we're only $3K in the red right now.


Any ideas on how we can drum up more interest?


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