[Board] Motion to accept 21 new charter members instead of 20

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Mon Nov 28 11:37:57 PST 2011


The Charter Member election voting period has ended, I have compiled the 
vote results and unfortunately we have a tie for the 20th slot. The New 
Membership Process [1] page suggests that in case of a tie the CRO 
should use a random method to break the tie, but I would like to avoid 
that if possible.

The board decided at the Sept. 18 meeting [2] that we'd go with 20% new 
charter members this year, and I (as CRO) had calculated/announced that 
this would mean 20 new members. However since we have a tie for the 20th 
slot and 20% of 104 = 20.8, we could round the number up to 21 and still 
be within the limits set by the board.

So unless I hear objections in the next 24 hours, I plan to announce the 
selection of 21 new charter members based on the above logic.

Any comments/objections?

Daniel, your CRO for 2011

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Membership_Process
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Face_to_Face_Meeting_Denver_2011#Minutes

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