[Board] FOSS4G 2012

Michael Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Fri Jan 20 09:36:58 PST 2012

At our December IRC meeting, the board approved Jeff to fly to Beijing
to get status on event plans. For some reason I don't yet understand,
it appears Jeff decided not do this, but apparently did not tell the
rest of the board. (Why that happened will be discussed at the F2F, or
another thread.)

We've just lost another 6 weeks lead time, there's still no action
from Beijing, and so now this is a crisis.

I was originally in favor of the Beijing team, and I was hesitant
about having an NA event for fear it would detract from the
international event.

I was wrong.

What are our options?  Could the current discussed NA event take on
the needed role here, as a sort of mini-foss4g?


On Jan 20, 2012, at 9:46 AM, Jeroen Ticheler <jeroen.ticheler at geocat.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> This lack of progress is indeed very worrying to me. I asked in December (late before the closing of the year indeed) if GeoCat could become an early sponsor to FOSS4G2012 but did not get a response at all (Jeff, I understand you can't respond if you don't know anything yourself, so no offence!).
> I plan to attend with a fair group of GeoCat staff, but am worried that it will be resources that are not well spend, considering this lack of activity. Am I the only one with such concern that is actually considering to not attend or sponsor at all among this group?
> Cheers,
> Jeroen
> On 20 jan. 2012, at 07:00, Paul Ramsey wrote:
>> Indeed, it's easy to forget because the event is so far in the future,
>> but for reference here are the 2011 milestones:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2011_Milestones
>> As you can see, we're already slipping dates.
>> P.
>> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 4:30 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) <seven at arnulf.us> wrote:
>>> Board,
>>> apart from some mails about the academic track at FOSS4G in China I did
>>> not hear much progress. Admittedly I might have missed much due to not
>>> being well connected but hearing this little is worrying me. There is
>>> still no web site up and no request for sponsorship and we are already
>>> way over mid January. The Wiki is not evolving either and the conference
>>> list is dead.
>>> Will the character of FOSS4G be a completely different one this year,
>>> maybe geared more towards scientific research and education? If yes,
>>> then we should plan for some alternative.
>>> I have heard of plans to hold a FOSS4G in Malaysia prior to the Beijing
>>> event and so far did not comment that at all while still waiting for
>>> activities. If Beijing is not living up to the broader aims of FOSS4G
>>> then this might be an alternative that will also be easier accessible to
>>> some who might miss out on the Beijing event, focused more on the
>>> community and industry requirements.
>>> If not anything else then this mail should at least raise some dust.
>>> Not happy,
>>> Arnulf
>>> --
>>> Exploring Space, Time and Mind
>>> http://arnulf.us
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