[Board] Travel Expenses

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed Sep 5 13:30:20 PDT 2012

On 12-09-05 3:47 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> This could mean health insurance.  I hope this never ever happens, but,
> traveling for OSGeo and an accident occurs: are OSGeo representatives
> covered in that host country?

Please note that at the moment, OSGeo only has a Directors & Officers 
liability insurance for its board directors. My understanding is that 
this insurance only cover possible legal actions related to 
acts/decisions made as directors and does not cover liability or other 
risks for people traveling on behalf of OSGeo for instance.

Getting this type of general liability insurance for an org like OSGeo 
with a wide open number of volunteers can be an issue (i.e. complicated 
and very expensive) as we found out when we renewed our insurance 
coverage earlier this year. For next year we'll try to find a better 
broker to assist us with the renewal and with what an organization like 
OSGeo really needs.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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