[Board] 2013 Budget approval

Peter Batty peter at ebatty.com
Mon Mar 18 06:24:57 PDT 2013

+1 on the budget from me.

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky at gmail.com>wrote:

> Cameron and others,
> Dne 14.3.2013 13:01, Cameron Shorter napsal(a):
> > On 14/03/13 03:00, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> >> On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Daniel Morissette
> >> <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:
> >> [...]
> > [...]
> >
> > All OSGeo board members,
> > I realise that we are all volunteers, but I'm hopeful that we can commit
> > to turning around decisions quickly and efficiently, preferably within 2
> > working days, and in most cases within 1 working day.
> >
> > For this thread, we are still waiting on votes or comments from many of
> us.
> >
> >
> If the budget is fixed for now, as it is in the wiki
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php?title=OSGeo_Budget_2013&oldid=69501
> than I give +1 for it's approval.
> I just did not approve it till now, since the discussion seemed to be
> continuing about (from my point of view) cosmetic changes. The budget
> follows the principals, we were discussing during the hangout, I'm fine
> with it.
> Jachym
> --
> Jachym Cepicky
> Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o.
> jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
> HS-RS: jachym at hsrs.cz http://bnhelp.cz
> http://les-ejk.cz
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